Fashion to boot

Wine Down Wednesday

Yes!!!!! It’s that time again! You know what I’m talking about, ladies … Wine Down Wednesday! What’s not to LOVE about opening a bottle of Cabernet once a week? I am so pumped about this post! Today’s ‘Words & Wine Down Wednesday’ blog post ‘may’ be the FIRST in a weekly series. I will be looking for a little feedback from you. So if you like it (or don’t), comment below. The purpose is for a little sharing time, a ‘wine’ down time to just chit-chat, talk, complain, whine, lift-up …  whatever. Whatever is inspiring me, ailing me, or PMS-ing me. A time to vent, if needed. A time to seek answers, maybe. Just some good ole-fashion ‘girl-time’. Fella’s, if you’re reading this, sorry. Consider it to be a way of just understanding the mind of a woman, all the tabs we keep open, the 30,000 more words a day we say than you, and why we might cry if you look at us the wrong way. Use this as a tool, perhaps. So grab your glass and lets get this chit-chat session going ….

Wine Down Wednesday

So the kids are back in school…can I get an ‘Amen’? The laundry AGAIN has piled up, there are no groceries in the fridge, unless (of course) you’re looking for ingredients to make Detox Broth. The girl’s tub upstairs is nothing but a ring of minuscule hair shavings & ginger from taking one too many of these Detox Baths. Seriously!!! So how are you ringing in the new year? Hopefully with more than a ring of hair and ginger. {insert sip} Meanwhile, we’re all over here detoxing because I’m NOW a blogger and my family are my guinea-pigs. Oh the struggles! You should see what my husband looks like cramped up in the kids tub soaking in ginger and lavender. Wait … no, don’t go there … please … you don’t need that visual. {Take gulp here }

Wine Down Wednesday

January is one tough month around our household. Insurance bills are due, College-tuition money is due, my husband’s birthday is this month and he has all FIVE cars in his name ….so we’re shelling out dough for registration tabs. You catch me. The decorations need to come down, the weight is up, pants are tight, and we’re all sore from finally moving our bodies with a little workout. Who’s ready for a loaf of bread by now? Or some cheese, or better yet … a Cheese Board???  {insert sip} {take another one for good measure}

Wine-Down Wednesday

We’re gonna get through it , though. We’re gonna stay positive. Did I mention I have been plugging away at the family calendar? You know the one I showed on Snapchat? Oh the color coding system is coming along nicely. It looks like my great-nephews, Bentley and Blaine, were over having a field day with the Sharpies. All I need is a few Valentine stickers …oh wait, Superbowl is before Valentines Day. I can’t keep these holidays straight, anymore … Super Bowl, The Masters, The World Cup …I think even March is a Holiday in itself…. something like March Madness! MADNESS only in March? Try having five kids and one husband!! I have madness all year long! Speaking of Super Bowl, what the heck … no Tom Brady this year? OK, OK, I’m still part of the Peyton Manning fan-club … we’re all good. #Omaha {sip time}

Well anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, the laundry. I better call it quits for this weeks, Wine Down Wednesday. It’s time to kick it in high gear and get something done besides sipping Chardonnay …I mean Cabernet! {have another one,Trac}.

Wine Down Wednesday

Oh, I almost forgot … the wine!!! Here’s the wine of the night ~ excuse my lipstick on it … which by the way EVERYONE has been asking me about. It’s Mac ‘Up The Amp’ and the liner is Mac in Magenta. OK, on to the wine!

Wine Down Wednesday

I received this bottle of Apothic Dark Red Blend for a Christmas gift. I don’t generally purchase a blend, so when I receive one, it’s a nice change. This particular wine integrates blueberry and blackberry, with notes of coffee and dark chocolate. It’s rich and smooth. It’s also a very affordable wine. If you like your red blends, you may want to give this one a try. If I were giving this a star rating, I would say it’s a 6 out of 10. But you know when it comes to Red, I’m a Cab girl. Speaking of Cab, check out this adorable phone case that I received as a gag gift for Christmas. Perfect for a ‘Wine Down Wednesday’!!!

I hope you enjoyed this ‘Words & Wine Down Wednesday’ post. Feel free to share, and I look forward to next weeks ‘wine’ down.

H & M Striped Sleeveless Turtleneck: similar here | Lipstick: Mac Up The Amp | Lipliner: Mac Lip Pencil (Magenta) | Phone Case Cabernet Phone Case

Disclaimer: Beverages containing alcohol are often associated with sharing, pleasure, unwinding and socializing. However, there are times when drinking at all, or too much can be risky to you or to others. This blog post is for light-hearted, sharing ONLY! If you are over the age of 21, and choose to drink, please drink responsibly and don’t drink and drive.

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  • Lucy Ladley - Luscious Fibers

    Tracy, Many thanks for your fun blog post! I am substituting water for wine. But in every way I am joining you & all your readers. Thanks for spreading the joy! Blessings, Lucy

    • tracyhensel

      Glad you enjoyed it, Lucy! Water is a GREAT substitute … doesn’t get any better than that! Thanks again for your feedback! Have a blessed & beautiful day! xo

  • Amy Henson

    Fun, entertaining post; my favorite, I think! It’s nice to know we all struggle to balance real life, although I think you do an awesome job of it! I will definitely be trying the wine you recommended, and I’m going to think positively that TB and my Pats WILL make it to yet another Super Bowl!

    • tracyhensel

      Awe, thank you Amy! Your comment is a real treat! I could write a book on balance. And I certainly do not mean that because I have it down! It’s more of recognizing that it is LIFE! It’s tough! The more responsibilities, the harder it becomes. And it is a constant work in progress. But I appreciate that you see some of the qualities that I have when it comes to this and I am looking forward to sharing them …what has worked for myself, and what has not worked. I love your comment about the Pat’s. Yep, big Tom Brady fans over here. It would be nice to see them make it …but I’m not feeling really good about it. Not crazy about Cam Newton (Carolina). I would love to see either TB or Peyton playing on Feb. 7th. I hope you give that wine a try! Thanks again for all the kindness. xo

  • Edna Cabral

    I loved it! It’s always good to see others point of view of parenting, married life, social life and taking care of oneself at the same time! Thank you for sharing.

    • tracyhensel

      Thanks you, Thank you Edna!!! I so appreciate your positive response to this blog post! Believe me, when it comes to parenting, married life …I am holding back a lot of my views. It’s constructive chaos 24-7 around my household. As I get more comfortable blogging and sharing …I’m sure you will get a lot more of my perspective. I’m still getting my feet wet on how receptive people are to that much transparency. But, I don’t think anyone can question …. we all have our struggles and sometimes it’s nice and refreshing to hear about ‘OTHERS’. Thanks again for your feedback! Have a wonderful day! xo

  • Rachelle

    just watched all the snaps, love this color combo and I wish I picked up some wine.


    • tracyhensel

      I LOVE it Rachelle! Glad you are enjoying the snaps! Next week, have your wine ready …girlfriend! Thanks for your kind feedback. Have a great day! xo

  • Esme

    Hahahaaa, this post was just too real. I think I need to implement a wine down wednesday and not wait till the weekend. Phone case looks fin 😉 Haven’t had my gal time in awhile but felt like I was next to you drinkning and venting. Loved this post…keep ’em coming!

  • tracyhensel

    This is great, Esme … “implement a wine down Wednesday!” I LOVE it! The phone case is a hoot! I received it as a gift from one of my daughters, friends. Thankfully it was more of a gag gift … but when you’re associated with wine by your kids,friends!! Oh dear! Glad you enjoyed the ‘girl’ time … we ALL could use a little more of that, couldn’t we? Thanks again for your nice feedback. Appreciated!!! xo

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