Spring Scarf & Plenty of Cognac

Walk Gracefully in Heels

Walk Gracefully In Heels

Walk Gracefully In Heels


Walk Gracefully In Heels


Walk Gracefully In Heels

Walk Gracefully In Heels


Walk Gracefully In Heels

Walk Gracefully In Heels

Top: Nordstrom | White Denim: from Target old, similar at TargetMacy’sMacy’s | Scarf: Target | Belt: Target | Cross Body Handbag: Target | Necklace: Target, not sold on-line, in stores (only) | Bootie/heels: old, similar Macy’sMacy’sTarget | Lipstick: Maybelline | Lip Pencil: Palladio | Eye Shadow Palette: Lorac Pro | Blush: Mac

Walk Gracefully In Heels

 Snapchat mention: 3 Pack Pen Holder | 10 Pack Pen Holder

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    Tracy you are doing a great job with your website.

    • tracyhensel

      Thank you so much Joanie! What a pleasant surprise and really made my day to see your name pop up in my comment section. Glad you are enjoying my posts. Won’t be too much longer and we’ll be venturing up to our favorite little Ice Cream Parlor & catching up!

    • Yasmin Vega

      Good morning Tracey… I enjoy and learn so much from your videos and now your website is like a breath of fresh air. You look so stunning in your photographs. I loved your tips for a spring wedding attire. My husband’s best friend’s wedding coming up in November. I’d love your input for a fall wedding. Can’t wait for your second video on Menopause. I can relate so much to your description on peri- menopause. I felt you were speaking directly to me. Thank you so much for all the hard work and effort you put into your videos and now your beautiful and user friendly website. You truly are an angel on earth helping women in so many ways. May our heavenly father shower you with blessings, love, happiness, success, and pimarily health. Xo

  • Tammy

    What a great blog post…I absolutely love the whole look. You look absolutely fabulous in blue and white.

    • tracyhensel

      Thank you Tammy! Glad you enjoyed it and thank you for the positive feedback!

  • Monica erre

    I always read with pleasure yoir blog .

    • tracyhensel

      Glad to hear it, Monica! Thanks for sharing!

  • Erika J.

    I’m very glad you shared these pointers! One tends to forget when heels might not be your go-to shoe during the winter months ;-). Thank you Tracy!!

    • tracyhensel

      So true Erika. I have to think about these tips when I am in higher heels than my the normal height I wear. It all makes a difference. If you’re not used to something, its going to be awkward. Thanks for sharing!