Waking Up Before Everyone Else | Why It Sets You Up For Success

Being trapped at home for the month of April means that we could really use some motivation going into May. So for my May Motivation, I want to share why it’s so important to wake up before everyone else and how doing so can set you up for success!

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Do you wake up before everyone else?

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  • Daniela

    Hi Tracy -this is for a different post…just something to consider. There are many people out there with asthma or other respiratory problems that suffer from fire pit wood smoke -adding the pandemic on top of this it can cause folks to be in a weakened state and to have issues. Then adding in the scare that they could get COVID on top of it. I would discourage promoting any wood burning during this time. Thank you for your consideration. Here is an example: https://www.ktvu.com/news/bay-area-air-district-advises-against-wood-burning-during-pandemic

  • Jennifer Cook

    Hi Tracy! Longtime fan and follower of your videos and Instagram stories. I love the messages and advice that you give. Would you consider doing a video on how you manage all the little things you note in your brain dumps? I do something similar, fan of David Allen and I was lucky enough to take one of his courses. I am just struggling to manage all the little things that come up with my job, home, daughter and personal maintenance. With my job alone I supervise 7 various projects that require me to track many things and follow up with many different personalities. Love your videos and I watch your organization ones on repeat. Hoping you can do one soon with a more in-depth how to. Thank you!