Teeth Whitening Routine

Teeth Whitening Routine

This may sound crazy, but did you know that Americans spend over $1.4 billion dollars in over-the-counter teeth whitening products every year? That’s a good chunk of money to achieve a different shade of teeth. There are many ‘DIY’ remedies out there to rid yourself of yellow teeth, and maybe some day I will jump on that band-wagon. After all, how hard is to make a paste out of baking soda and lemon juice? I certainly have enough lemons around my house. Let’s face it, I’m chugging down Lemon-Ginger Water at 5 am like clock-work. Think of the money I would save if I put those lemons to more use than detoxing my liver. But for now, I am just going to stick with my old reliable ‘Teeth Whitening Routine’. I visit my dentist every 6 months. For years, the hygienists, along with the dentist, have commented on how many ‘levels’ I have achieved when it comes to whitening my teeth at home … stating they couldn’t get any better results with in-office products. I truly believe it’s a matter of finding the right performers and consistently sticking to your routine. If you commit to a regime, you should achieve the desired brilliance you’re looking for. If I can do it, with being a coffee and wine drinker…. two of the biggest culprits to staining the teeth… then you should be able to.

I whiten my teeth twice weekly, generally Wednesday and Sunday. I do this in the morning while applying make-up and doing my hair.

Teeth Whitening Routine

Here are the products and steps I use for my teeth whitening routine …

Teeth Whitening Routine

1.  Brush –  When Arm & Hammer came out with their Truly Radiant line of teeth products, I decided to give them a shot. Needless to say, I think they’re great and I have no intentions on going back to the products I was using. All of my girls use the toothpaste and love it, as well. Arm & Hammer recently expanded their ‘Truly Radiant’ toothpaste line. I picked up the Rejuvenating one, and am just as pleased as I am with the original. I see they also have one called Clean & Fresh. I have not tried it, but if you have, let me know what you think.

Teeth Whitening Routine

2.  Whitening Boost + Hydrogen Peroxide –  On days that I don’t use whitening strips, I follow up my teeth brushing with this step. After brushing with my toothpaste, I squirt a little Plus White 5 Minute Speed Whitening Gel on my toothbrush and then give it a spray with hydrogen peroxide. Applying pressure, but not too hard, I scrub the front teeth, only. I then proceed to step 4 – mouth rinse.

Teeth Whitening Routine

Teeth Whitening Routine

3.  Whitening Strips – I have tried plenty of whitening strips in my day, but nothing compares to the generic ones. You can purchase this 14-day system from Target (Up & Up), Wal-mart (Equate), and if you live in a state that has the store Meijer, they have their own line. Except for the outside box, all inside packaging and the strips are the same with each brand. I love that they are affordable, and unlike the flimsy ones that shift around (sorry Crest), the generic ones actually mold right to your teeth.  I leave these on for approximately 30 minutes. If you’re wondering, no, I don’t have sensitivity. I recommend you save your receipt. If you are sensitive to whitening agents, return the products.

Teeth Whitening Routine4.  Rinse –  I use the Truly Radiant Whitening & Strengthening Rinse. It tastes pleasant and does the job. I’m very impressed with this whole ‘Truly Radiant’ line.

I’ve tried the old organic/natural route in more products than just toothpaste. It’s not for me. When I use products, I expect performance. If something doesn’t work, I move on. On the other hand, I’m pretty loyal to the products that perform according to their claims and give me the desired features I am looking for. Let me know what some of your favorite whitening tricks are.

Toothpaste: Arm & Hammer  Truly Radiant, Truly Radiant Rejuvenating and Clean & Fresh  |  Whitening Gel: Plus White 5 Minute Speed Whitening Gel |  Mouthrinse: Truly Radiant Whitening & Strengthening Rinse  |  Bath Robe:  Lauren Ralph Lauren Quilted Shawl Collar short if looking for xs, here and love this similar one here

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  • Lucy Ladley - Luscious Fibers

    Thank you Tracy for the recommendation of the Truly Radiant line! I will put that on my shopping list & keep you all updated!

    • Esme

      Do you use the plus white 2x a day?
      Or once a day? Morning or night?

      • tracyhensel

        Esme, once a day and only in the morning. Thanks for asking.

  • tracyhensel

    Sounds good, Lucy. I look forward to hearing your thoughts. Enjoy your weekend!

    • Lucy Ladley - Luscious Fibers

      So far, so good with the Truly Radiant products that I just purchased & started using 2 days ago. Thanks for your recommendation Tracy! I am a huge coffee drinker and I started noticing a brightening of my teeth already!

      • tracyhensel

        Wonderful news Lucy! Thanks so much for sharing your results with me. I appreciate it! Nothing a nice smile and when it’s whiter and brighter … all the better!

  • Heather

    Do you let the plus white sit for a while or rinse it right off?

  • tracyhensel

    Heather, I scrub, and then rinse right away!

  • Tiffany Palmer-Jones

    Hi Tracy!

    I’m just curious, are you still using this routine or have you modified it at all?

    I’m looking to kickstart my whitening routine again and thought I’d pickup a few of these items to add.

  • Sheri

    This is amazing! Exactly what I’ve been looking for! Soo simple, thank you!! 🙃

    • tracyhensel

      Your welcome Sheri! I hope you find it helpful!

  • Karla

    Great tips! Can you tell me the purpose of spraying hydrogen peroxide on your toothbrush? I’ve never heard of using it for dental purposes. Thanks again for sharing the steps and routine that has been so successful for you!

    • tracyhensel

      Karla, The Hydrogen Peroxide is just another whitening agent.

  • Sheri

    Hi!! Do you still use the 5 min whitening gel?? Link isn’t working…
    Shea just got her braces off and we want to implement your routine! 😉

  • Lisa Wilson

    Hello, Tracy! I haven’t done a whitener in probably 10 years. You inspired me to pick the strips up today! I couldn’t find the Truly Radiant line at the few stores I stopped by. Did an online check and will be stopping at Fred Meyer soon 🙂 Do you brush every time with the Truly Radiant? I am making sure I understand correctly. Here’s to whiter, brighter teeth!
    Blessings~ Lisa

    • tracyhensel

      Hi Lisa! I am happy to hear that you are onto revisiting the Teeth Whitening! AWESOME!! I do not put a lot of emphasis on the actual toothpaste. That is not what is going to make your Pearly’s white. It’s what you are going after the actual brushing. Good Luck!!

  • Allyson

    I saw in another YouTube that you are also using a charcoal whitener. What brand is it?


    Hay, Truly Radiant is good , but i think we can do it naturally by lemon Juice.