Shapewear – 5 reasons to embrace it

Shapewear - 5 Reasons To Embrace It

Shapewear - 5 Reasons to Embrace It

Happy Wednesday! You know what that means, ladies … WINE! {gulp} and possibly a little tmi, too {sip} gotta keep it light-hearted, right? I am pretty sure all of you know by now that I am quite open and honest, so it should come as no surprise when I shout to the heavens that, “I wear body shapers!!!”{sip} Let’s face it ladies, when you get to a certain age (like myself), things start heading a little bit south of the border. {sip hard} Here’s the thing though, even if ‘things’ aren’t quite heading south yet, I really believe EVERYONE, at any age or size, NEEDS to invest in some type of Shapewear. Today, I am sharing ‘Shapewear – 5 Reasons to Embrace It’

Knit Dress for Spring-to-Summer1. Reduction of the Waistline

Oh yea, come to mama! {sip} When you’re a thick-waisted one such as muah, you love when a body shaper snugs that waist in tight. Shapewear should create compression to your midsection. If it doesn’t do that, you won’t see me buy it, and I don’t recommend you do either. {sip} Make sure there is no skin bulge hanging over top, either, as in … I hate to say it …’muffin-top’. The end result should be a smooth-seamless look. To create that, you may need to go with a body shaper that is higher on the mid-section. I have linked appropriate shapewear for this issue, down below. Find the body shaper that works for you, run with it, and SHOUT to the heavens!!! {sip to that}

2. Provides Bust Support

Here we go with ‘things’ heading south. Younger gals probably don’t have to worry about this, nor ladies who have made a visit to the plastic surgeon for a little silicone boost. {gulp} For many though, a little support to bring those babies up on a shelf can make a world of difference on how your outfit looks. If this is the case, find a underbust shapewear to give a little rise to the ‘girls’. {sip} Again, I have shared options below.

Shapewear - 5 Reason to Embrace It

3. Reduction in back bulge

Back bulge? I’m not saying it … “love handles” … oops, I said it! {gulp} Wearing shapewear is an easy way to get rid of muffin top and unwanted bulges. Smooth and seamless, that’s the goal here, ladies. The men are so jealous, aren’t they? Shapewear to suck in beer guts? Now there’s a thought!! {sip to THAT, again}

4. Reduction of visible cellulite 

Cottage Cheese, anyone? {gulp} This one has got to be my favorite. So we’ve already taken care of the bulges and slimmed the waistline. Now let’s lose the lumps and bumps. Shapewear, my friends, is the ticket. Even young, slim girls wearing form-fitted dresses will notice a huge change when throwing on some shapewear under their body-con dresses. Bitches, anyway!! {oops, gulp}

Shapewear - 5 Reasons to Embrace It

5. Confidence

Confidence is sexier than any clothes you can put on! Trust me, when you wear the right shapewear, you feel beyond confident. That goes for the right bra and panties, too. Please do yourself a favor, ladies, and invest in good undergarments. When trying on bras and panties, ALWAYS-ALWAYS put your clothes back on overtop and make sure .. again .. there is a seamless transition. This includes any size, any age, you girls. Nobody wants to see your thong lines. Momma knows what she’s talking about! {sip}

Shapewear - 5 Reasons to Embrace it

 SHAPEWEAR recommendations: I LOVE the Assets by Sara Blakely (a Spanx Brand) from Target. Shapewear can be expensive. This line is affordable and every piece is awesome!!! With this dress, I am wearing a size ‘small’ in these Girl Short Assets in the color ‘nude’. I also have them in black. I highly recommend and wear them more than any other Shapewear I own. I do believe you need both colors. If you need slimming in the legs, here is the Mid-Thigh / or  High-waist/Mid-thigh (I also have these pair but don’t need much help in the thigh area … they will be handy eventually, however / Open Bust/Mid-Thigh / another Open Bust/Mid-thigh / Open Bust Tank

When you find the ones you love, plan on purchasing both nude and black

Shapewear - 5 Reasons to Embrace It

I talk a little in this blog post about shapewear and tips for purchasing it. If you are going to go out searching for your shapewear on foot vs. on line, I think it really makes a difference when you take the actual outfit you will be wearing, along with you. I know how inconvenience this can be, but in the end, it will save you time. While you are shopping, take several different shapewear pieces into the fitting room along with the outfit. Try every piece on and put your outfit on overtop until you have tried every single garment on under your outfit … what a pain, I know {sip & get over it}. Once you feel that confidence in how your outfit looks, you’ve nailed it! Suck it up, fork out the cash and then, go have a drink to celebrate! {sip} Once you have invested your time in finding the most suitable body shapers for you, and have accumulated a few different styles, you will have a nice variety of shapewear and will no longer have to purchase any. I made that my goal. I knew that different outfits would require different styles of shapewear. It was worth investing my time. I strongly encourage you to put just as much emphasis on creating a shapewear wardrobe as you do on your shoe, accessory, and handbag wardrobe. If you know ahead of time that you will be shopping for dresses, skirts, or trousers, take your shapewear with you when you shop. Heck, I even take a pair of heels when I shop for dresses and skirts. Hey, we can’t all be low-maintenance! {gulp}

Shapewear - 5 Reasons to Embrace It

With my job, the functions I attend, and church, my husband knows very well that I wear shapewear often. Ok, let’s face it, he’s jealous!! {gulp}. But that doesn’t necessarily mean he needs to SEE my shapewear. Even if you’ve been married as long as I have, you don’t have to ruin the illusion. Your significant other doesn’t necessarily need to see you wrestle yourself into or out of your shapewear. For those of you that wear it, you know exactly what I am talking about with the ‘wrestling’. There is nothing attractive about the body positions we get ourselves into, the grunting sounds and faces we make when we are basically squeezing sausage rolls into it’s casing. Just discreetly change out of it and let it be your secret weapon.

Shapewear - 5 Reasons to Embrace It

I love this whole look! I picked up this dress last week when I went shopping with my daughter, Haley. It had just been stocked at my favorite store, H & M. Unfortunately, this dress is so NEW, that it is not online yet. I was so bummed to find this out. I called H & M Customer Service on Monday and spent 30 minutes trying to get whatever online resources I could for those of you that may be interested in any of these pieces. I did link what I could. The customer service representative was fantastic in helping me. She advised me to check the website everyday and watch for the dress and cardigan that I am wearing to become available on line. I will do that and be sure to keep all of you posted. You will be the first to know when it becomes available on their website. In the meantime, the representative and myself came up with a similar option to offer you, and I LOVE it! Maybe even slightly more than the ensemble that I am wearing. I don’t know. I may have to torture myself with another trip to H & M, pick up the items and find out. {sip} I’m sure many of you have an H & M store close to you, and could boogie your way over and pick up the dress and cardigan that I am wearing. If you love this ensemble, I encourage you to waste no time. I am wearing an x-small in both the cardi and the dress. The one I linked below is the same fabric and fit. Good luck!!!

DRESS: H & M 30% off today ONLY ..add code 3391 @ checkout for free shipping + another similar one at H & M | CARDIGAN: to match at H & M | NECKLACES: short one, H & M, the long one is sold as a set and is still in store, but not online | HANDBAG: Small Shoulder | EARRINGS: H & M (in store, only) similar here | BRACELETS: H & MNordstrom, and Forever 21| SHOES: Forever 21 or Platform or Wedges version | EYESHADOW PALETTE: Lorac Pro & the green shade in Urban Decay Smoked | LASHES: Red Cherry  | CHEEKS: as usual, BH Cosmetics | LIPS: Lip PencilLipstick, in center of bottom, dabbed this Lipstick. Topped with Lip Gloss | NAIL POLISH: Playdate

Shapewear - 5 Reasons to Embrace It

Tonight’s Wine: We will be drinking Joel Gott Chardonnay. This wine is in the nice affordable $15 range. You really can not go wrong with any Joel Gott wines, as he was born into the winemaking industry and has privileged access to many of the best and yet undiscovered fruit sources in the Napa Valley. Joel Gott wines therefore are remarkable and even the less novice wine drinkers have probably heard of Joel Gott. Therefore, it’s an impressive bottle to show up with as a hostess offering at your upcoming gatherings. Joel Gott offers remarkable value for what you are getting, with the gobs of classic California fruit, good structure, and excellent balance it offers. Hope you enjoy! Cheers!

Shapewear - 5 Reasons to Embrace It

Disclaimer: Beverages containing alcohol are often associated with sharing, pleasure, unwinding, and socializing. However, there are times when drinking at all or too much can be risky to you or to others. This blog post is for light-hearted sharing ONLY! If you are over the age of 21 and choose to drink, please drink responsibly and don’t drink and drive.

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  • Amy Henson

    I adore you, Tracy, for always keeping it REAL! I know what’s next on my shopping list! Thanks for taking the shame out of aging! XO

    • tracyhensel

      Thank you Amy! I appreciate the ‘keeping it REAL’. That’s the beauty of getting older. We get more comfortable with who we are, both inside & out. Being relatable is important for me. Good luck on you ‘shape wear’ shopping adventure!

  • Lucy Ladley - Luscious Fibers

    Tracy, Thank you for recommending Target’s Shapewear. I am sure that I will find it more affordable than the prices that I have paid elsewhere.

    • tracyhensel

      Your most welcome, Lucy! It’s a great line … Target Does It Again!!!

  • Monica erre

    Milan is Thursday morning and with my second cup of coffee i read your beautiful post.Is always interesting with humor and you said abolute truth.👌
    I love H&M

    • tracyhensel

      Glad you enjoy, Monica! I’m also happy that you find a little humor in my writing! Some topics are best for light-hearted reading! Yes, H & M … love that store!

  • Kellyann

    Love you Tracy! Great post and awesome tips! Thanks so much!

    • tracyhensel

      Thank you soooo much, Kellyann! I am thrilled you loved it! Have a blessed day & enjoy your ‘Shapewear’ shopping! xx

  • Donna Raymond

    I adore my shapewear pieces and consider them staples in my wardrobe. I am an apple shape and find that without my foundation pieces under my clothes, I can look heavier & rather sloppy. I don’t find them to be uncomfortable nor matronly. I also feel that my posture improves by wearing them and I carry myself with more confidence. Also, I usually find that the more structured pieces hold me in nicer.
    Thank you for the suggestions on the line at Target, I will try those next.

    • tracyhensel

      I agree with everything you are saying, Donna. I too find my Shapewear to be both functional + comfortable. It does make your outfit look less sloppy and more put together and you are spot-on about the improved posture. In return you look more confident, taller, leaner & chic! Who doesn’t LOVE that! True game-changer!! I wish you luck with the line from Target. Thanks again! I truly appreciate your input!

  • Keri

    Weekend plans include Target and H& M. Although I think my Shapewear needs Shapewear lol you look awesome in that dress Tracy. I love it! Loved your wine recommendation too this week!

    • tracyhensel

      I love it, “even my shapewear needs shapewear!” Thank you Keri! Something tells me however, you may have not made it to these two places … this weekend. Hope your mom is getting rest and recovering. So sorry you had to go through, all that you did .. yesterday. But, on a positive note, I’m sure you are enjoying the grandson today!

  • Nancy Shade

    Thanks for this post Tracy! I do have that back fat – love handles thing going on – hate it but at 45 I guess its bound to come! I have a pair of shapewear shorts that always curls up – its so annoying! Thanks again for keeping it real!

    • tracyhensel

      Glad you enjoyed the post Nancy! Yes, the body gets less kind to us each year, doesn’t it? They say with hormones, by the time we hit mid-40’s, we will store more fat through the middle. I can attest to that. For being a real good eater and exerciser, I can see as I get older … I just tend to store more fat in that area. And in all honesty, I see it with other, even thin ladies my age, as well. We may not get ‘bigger’ as a whole, but changes are still occurring … love handles are part of the raw deal! I hope you find some shapewear that is more suitable for you and thanks for your kind feedback!!

  • Adele Trimble

    Hi Tracy, I’m just discovering your blog, and purchased a piece of shapewear yesterday BEFORE reading this! I’ll admit, I’ve never loved them before, but I found a great one to wear under my sexy date-night dress last night and it really made a difference, mostly just eliminating those dang panty lines! I wanted to let you know about the Skinnygirl brand I found at Nordstrom Rack. Cheers!

    • tracyhensel

      Hi Adele! I am happy to hear that you found me. Welcome! I love that you found a shape wear that works so well for you! Awesome! I will be sure to check out the line of spewer that you mentioned.

  • Anna Decosta

    Great post!! Thank you for the wonderful post! I would buy this dress as ofcourse , the shapewear do needs a protection! Keep updating with more such posts!

    • tracyhensel

      Thank you Anna!

  • John Denver

    Shapewear is the best companion for a women who have some different type of a problem to their waistline. I am always collect some new informative information about how to solve women body problem. You can also collect all of this information about shapewear here:

  • Parsia Desauza

    This is one of the best article who have share some good idea and also some informative information about how to solve women waistline. I love to fashionable life and also get perfect shape of a body instantly. Have you any informative information about how to solve women waistline problem? I am always collecting some new informative information about how to solve all women body problem. I have also some information here: