Perfect Wrap Dress in Two Colors

Perfect Wrap Dress in Two Colors

Perfect Wrap Dress in Two Colors

Perfect Wrap Dress in Two Colors

I have been doing some shopping lately. I know, shocker! But this hasn’t been just any shopping. I am planning, not only for an upcoming trip, but for a couple weddings, as well. Believe me, with as picky as I am .. I return about half the items that I initially order. Nothing makes my hubby happier than when I have packages set out for him to return. And nothing makes him shake his head more than when the UPS driver backs so effortlessly up the driveway. Trust me, our driver doesn’t even need his rear view mirror. He’s got it down.

A few days ago, after a little Forever 21 shopping trip with my daughter, Carly, I received several snaps from people asking me to haul what I had purchased. This prompted me to wait for a few more packages to arrive and haul it all. Eventually you will see blog posts showcasing each piece. But, with the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale starting in just a couple days, and with as fast as Forever 21 sells out of the best sizes in their clothing, I thought it would be good to give you the chance to shop the items early. I hope you enjoy the goodies:

This perfect Wrap Dress in two colors was one of the purchases that I made! I LOVE it!!!

Perfect Wrap Dress In Two Colors

Forever 21

Dress I bought 2 colors (Dark Green & Berry),  Size M (Size Small fit, but Medium fit better in the bust area)

Skirt I bought 2 colors (Olive & Wine),  Size M … PERFECT!!!

Necklace I wore this with the Dark Green Dress, above. This dress also looks great with this scarf

This Nail polish color looks amazing with this dress

Perfect Wrap Dress in Two Colors

Animal Print Clutch: old, similar here / here

Perfect Wrap Dress in Two Colors

A dress comfortable enough to frolic in for ONLY $15 … I’ll take 2, please!!!


Wide-Leg Pants Sold out – see this blog post, here for similar options


Blouse size US8

Dress size US 6 .. Possibly for a wedding


Dress similar herehere and here


Dress Size S for Haley & Erik’s Wedding

Peachy Pink Racerback Tank Chelsea 28

Halter Romper Size S .. see in this blog post, here

Cold Shoulder Romper Size S .. see in this blog post, here

Jumpsuit Size S .. see in this blog post,  here

Bra wearing in this blog post, here

Black Tote Shopper Poverty Flats

Gold Hoop Earrings: Gold

Perfect Wrap Dress in Two Colors


Cord Wrap Necklace wearing in pic below, as well as this blog post, here

Velvet Leather Cord I wore this with the Berry Dress, above

Handbag Insert Amazon

Handbag Holder Clipa 2

Wide Leg Patterned Pants with slits

Again. stay tuned for blog posts showing these clothing and accessory items soon.

Have a Great Saturday!

Perfect Wrap Dress in Two Colors

Perfect Wrap Dress in Two Colors



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  • Ronda Geldean

    Not sure if this is a good question here or not, and might not interest anyone…
    I love to wear dresses all the time and would wear all of these, and I like to dress “nice” every day….dressy pants, tops, etc…. but every day when I go places ( I am in direct sales ) I am constantly asked, “Oh, your dressed up, where are you going?” This gets old answering, “This is how I like to dress”, Tracy, what do you say, or does no one in Michigan ask dumb questions like that?!?!?

  • tracyhensel

    Hi Ronda! Not only is this an excellent question. It really speaks to me. Yes, you better believe that I hear this ALL THE TIME! And in Michigan, are you kidding me??? It doesn’t get any more casual and frumpy than this state!! t cracks me up, because I think it’s backwards! My question, which I don’t verbalize outwardly is, “Why are you NOT dressed up?” Our society has gotten way to casual and it is too bad. It really is. Respect has been thrown out the window for so many settings that are nothing more than ‘proper etiquette’ to be dressed up. It does not require any more money or time to present yourself in a proper manner. Nor do you HAVE to wear a dress. Certainly many people look way more flattering in nice trousers or a suit. This is a topic that I would LOVE to put out on Snapchat … as I have a lot of young followers that need to hear this. Many would say to each their own. That is fine! But those people should not be asking someone why they are so dressed up or what for, when they are clearly the ones that are showing the respect for their work, the funeral they are attending, church, a business meeting, interview ….. etc., etc., Thanks so much! And keep dressing the way you are! Maybe someone will pick up on it and do the same! After all, we are leaders!!! xoxo