Q&A Family Holiday Drama Edition


Good Morning! New video today! It’s a touchy topic, folks! One that I could go on-and-on about. It breaks my heart how many families are divided because of disagreements, divorces and power struggles. It does not have to be this way! I hope that if you have any type of animosity in your family, maybe … just maybe … something that I say in today’s video can help you set aside those issues. Life is too short to be sensitive to every little thing that others do and say. Once you start being more comfortable in your OWN skin and loving yourself, the little things that people do and say won’t be so big. Those things will have little impact on you. People are not perfect and neither are you! Be okay with that! Always remember, you will never regret doing the right thing and handling a situation in a classy, respectful and mature manner. On the other hand, when handling a dilemma in a negative way … most likely you will have regret, after the fact. If the wounds are currently too fresh, and this is too hard for you, walk away! There may come a time, when you will be ready to practice better self-control and restraint. Never underestimate the POWER of PRAYER!!! All relationships can be RESTORED!!! On that note …

Whether good or bad, may you find it in your heart this Christmas season to spread love, appreciation for the good in your relationships with others and plenty of joy! Don’t forget what the TRUE meaning of the season is all about! It’s not YOU!

Outfit Details

Blouse + Jewelry: old | Lipstick: MAC Craving

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  • Edna Cabral

    Hi Tracy, First and foremost thank you for doing this video. I personally am going thru family issues and sometimes I need a reminder for myself to be the bigger person and let go and move on. It is hard though let me tell you. I been married for 10 years dated hubby for 4. So you are talking 14 years of having to deal with a very outspoken mother in law for many years. At first I used to talk back to any negative thing she would say and it’s been a few years now maybe 5 that I don’t. She says whatever she wants and I just ignore her. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t bother me or hurt. I get home upset and vent with my husband and/or call my sister and vent to her too. They tell me the same thing people are not going to change.. But what can i do for it not to affect me? I can tell you many things she has said that are hurtful, like how I can be a better mom for my kids, how my husband doesn’t care about them bc he doesn’t give them money, or how my daily struggle being a mother is not so bad bc I live more comfortably and don’t work. She always compares her motherhood and when she had young ones and says my sacrifice is not so bad and I shouldn’t complain. Like I said-I don’t respond anymore bc I don’t want my 9 and 3 year old to hear more negative things being thrown back and forth but it hurts! I know I shouldn’t let it hurt me bc at the end of the day I am first for my husband and he has always made that clear to his family that he choosed the best mother and wife to have a family with and my children show me everyday that I am the best mother to them. Any advice will be helpful! Thank you Tracy!

  • Monica erre

    Beautiful video!

    • tracyhensel

      Thank you Monica!

  • Jennifer Kohles

    Thank you for doing this video Tracy! Very thought-provoking!

    • tracyhensel

      Thank you Jennifer! I am glad you enjoyed!

  • Paula Abate

    Not everyone likes you, Tracey, but I do. 🙂

    • tracyhensel

      Thank you Paula! Very sweet! And I like you too! Have a GREAT weekend, my friend!

  • Anonymous

    I love your videos, Tracy. They remind me so much of the wonderful videos on Oprah’s Neywork. You are refreshing & thought provoking. Your drive to help others comes from a very good place. Keep up the GREAT WORK.

    • tracyhensel

      Thank you! I appreciate the support and wonderful message!! Bless you!!