Prioritize Your Time




Stop back in a few days. I will be sharing how I manage and organize my weekly + daily schedule. This will be a complete step-by-step walk through!!

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  • Kelly Schulthies

    Hi Tracy…I really enjoyed your video today, prioritizing your time! It was so eye opening and just the right kick in the butt I needed with my coffee today. Thank you

  • Audra

    Hi Tracy! Thank you; I truly value the content you so generously give your viewers. I loved your new video and would like to pass along some info. I came across today that may be useful to the cavity situation:
    ACV is very acidic and if consumed on the regular in liquid form, may weaken the enamel on teeth…
    “If you brush your teeth after using apple cider vinegar like mouthwash that will take the damage to an even greater level. Research done by the Mayo Clinic has shown that if you’ve consumed anything acidic to wait at least a half hour before brushing your teeth because of the weakened state of your enamel.”” there’s some evidence that large amounts of vinegar may cause dental erosion. … Bottom Line: The acetic acid in vinegar may weaken dental enamel and lead to loss of minerals and tooth decay.”
    Again I am no expert; but thought this might be worth looking into or mentioning to your dentist? Thank you for all the goodness you bring to so many!