My Daily Vitamin & Supplements for Health, WELLNESS + Beauty


I am a person that strives for more than HEALTH! I want OPTIMAL HEALTH. There is a difference! Because of that, I work with Doctors and practitioners that Specialize in Functional Medicine.If you want to know the difference between Western Medicine and Functional Medicine, you can resource that information on the web.

Along with my own studies and knowledge, as well as working with a Nurse Practitioner that specializes in Functional Medicine, I have a fruitful Vitamin and supplement regime that works for me. My Doctor or Nurse Practitioner orders a blood panel test, yearly. Along with that, I may have urine and saliva tests. You never know, a stool test could be ordered. ewww Those test results, along with how I am feeling overall, hormones, etc. …. we devise a program.

Although I do make Vitamin and supplement recommendations when I am Health Coaching, I am not a medical doctor. If you are on prescription medications, or have any ailments of any sort, I strongly encourage you to work with you Doctor of Functional Medicine prior to starting a rigid routine, such as mine. One persons regime that works for them, may not be what will work for you. We all have different deficiencies.

If you would like more in-depth benefits and usage of a supplement, I encourage you to search it on the web. An example would be, “Benefits of Vitamin K2 – Functional Medicine”. The key is to find a non-bias, non-marketing article. Do not read an article that is an advertisement. You want to have clear facts about what you are searching.

I am going to share the vitamins and supplements that I take, and the dosage. I will indicate the order, and time of the day that I take them, as well. Bear in mind, this is not set in stone. The times indicated are a rough idea. For example, 1 to 2 days per week, I may sleep in an hour to two. In that case, everything starts at that time (upon awakening). I take all vitamins with water, only … unless I indicate other. I am not going to give all the benefits of everything I talk about. If something interests you, I encourage you to search it on the web. An example would be, “Benefits of Vitamin K2 – Functional Medicine”. The key is to find a non-bias, non-marketing article. Do not read an article that is an advertisement. You want to have clear facts about what you are searching, and potentially going to take.


Amazon  |  Target  |  Walmart  |  eVitamins  |  QVC  |  Sam’s Club


  • 7-DAY PILL ORGANIZER (exact one that I have): Amazon

UPON AWAKENING (Generally 4:00 a.m.):  I workout 5 days a week. I take these vitamins regardless if it is a workout day, or not.

  • MAGNESIUM, CALCIUM, ZINC: Most people are deficient in Magnesium Amazon
  • CoQ 10: Amazon
  • RHODIOLA ROSEA: Amazon  This is an adaptogenic Herb. You will see that I incorporate a few in my regime


I drink an herbal tea of some sort at least once and up to three times per day. I start my day with Lemon – Ginger Detox. Get to my blog post and recipe, here.

  • Glutamine Select w/ BCAA’s: I sell this product. See my blog post, here: Glutamine and BCAA’s Email me at
  • Blender Bottle: Amazon

A COUPLE HOURS AFTER (6:00 a.m.):  I have generally had 2 cups of coffee by now. I’ll take these supplements while pouring my self mug of coffee #3

  • ADREN-ALL: I do 2 months on, 2 months off, as recommended by my Doctor of Functional Medicine Amazon
  • B-12 (Sublingual): Amazon

A COUPLE HOURS LATER (8:00 a.m.): 

  • ASIAN GINSENG: Amazon I take this about 2 weeks out of each month. This is an adaptogenic herb
  • PROBIOTIC: Amazon  |  Amazon

WHEN I BREAK MY INTERMITTENT FAST (10-10:30 a.m.): My ‘Fat’ vitamins, I like to call them. The 3 vitamins that I take are all fat-soluble and should be taken with a healthy high fat source. MCT Oil is an excellent healthy fat to take those with. K2 & D3 should be taken together. I will eat my first meal about 30 minutes after this cocktail of vitamins and supplements.

  • MCT OIL: 1 Tablespoon, straight. Amazon
  • APPLE CIDER VINEGAR: 1 Tablespoon, straight. Yes, I can do it! No, it’s not bad for you! Amazon
  • ALOE VERA JUICE: 2 oz., straight Amazon
  • Vitamin D3: I take 5,ooo mg during the grey, Michigan Winters. During the summer months, I take 4,000  Amazon
  • Vitamin K2: This should be taken with D3 Amazon
  • Vitamin E: 4oo I.U. you could take this every other day. I don’t like keeping up with that, therefore I take it everyday. Amazon


  • ASWAGHANDA Amazon This is an adaptogenic herb

ANYTIME BETWEEN 1 & 2:30:  I make a Protein shake with ALL 3 of these supplements

  • PROTEIN POWDER: 1 scoop .. I sell this powder in flavors: Chocolate, Cookies & Cream, Vanilla, Strawberry, Graham Cracker .. Email me at to order. It is $43 + shipping. I take Venmo, PayPal, Chase Zella and all major credit cards
  • COLLAGEN PEPTIDES: 1 scoop .. The container that I purchase calls for 2 scoops being a serving. I feel that one scoop is sufficient in my Collagen intake Amazon / Amazon

AROUND 2/3:00 p.m.

  • Vitamin C: Most people only need 1,000 mg. I take 2,000 mg., because I workout so rigorously. Amazon
  • Milk Thistle: Amazon



  • MAGNESIUM CITRATE: Amazon I take 2 .. this mineral can help with sleep. See my blog post, here
  • MELATONIN: Amazon 1 mg .. be careful wit this 1 mg is actually plenty for most people. Don’t jump into 3 before knowing you need it. Don’t take it too late.I drink an herbal tea of some sort at least once and up to three times per day.

I drink an herbal tea of some sort at least once and up to three times per day. I start my day with Lemon – Ginger Detox. Get to my blog post and recipe, here.


What’s In My Handbag Organizer  .. order organizer, here


Earrings  |  Ring  |  Lip Pencil (Mauve)  |  Lipstick (Surely Pink)  |  Lip Gloss (Abiza)

In closure, I have expensive urine!!! Thanks for watching!

A couple GREAT articles to read: Best Vitamins for Woman: Essential Supplements for Woman’s Health  |   The Essential Supplement Guide: Exactly Which Vitamins to Take  |  Guide for The Timing of Taking Nutritional Supplements


 You MUST Subscribe to my Youtube Channel … to be entered into the GIVEAWAY!!!

Details include:

1.) Giveaway is open internationally 2.) All entrants under the age of 18 must have parental permission to enter the Giveaway 3.) One person will win the item shown in the Giveaway – 8 Week Mindful Eating Program 4.) The winner will be announced here (in this post), and on my Snapchat 5.) The winner has one week to contact me (via email), or a new winner will be selected. I will ship immediately upon being notified.

Giveaway end: Tuesday, May 8th at midnight (EST)


 a Rafflecopter giveaway

Beach season is right around the corner, and there is no better time to get healthy! The program is available for people to sign up anytime after May 1st and can be run at any time. The program will always start the Monday after signing up so if a person signs up on a Friday, the program will start the Monday following.


Today, 100 million people are currently on some type of diet to lose weight (that’s 1 in 3 people). We are spending over $70 billion dollars a year on weight loss related products and services! The craziest stat of all is that the weight loss industry has a failure rate of over 90%. Which means, people may be losing weight, but they are not keeping it off.


This is one of the big reasons I put together this program—to teach people how to live a lifestyle that is sustainable yet gets you results.


The beauty of this program is its simplicity. No more crazy, elaborate, and unpleasant dieting. You will learn what good food is, how to prepare it, and, most importantly, how to enjoy the experience.


You can learn more about the program at the below link. Price is $129 and includes a cookbook, two- week meal plan, 8 weeks of modules, 8 webinar trainings, and so much more!

This post contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and proceed to check-out, I will be compensated a small commission.  I appreciate you using those links and supporting what I do.

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  • Dora

    Hi Tracy,
    What a great video! I am a few years older than you and take many of the same supplements. I have a question about the Adren-all. If you wouldn’t mind, would you tell me why you take it and what effects you have had from taking it. Also, what is the reason for taking it two months on and two months off? I have never heard about this supplement and very much value your opinion.

    • tracyhensel

      Thank you! I take the Aren-All two months on and two months off as prescribed by my practitioner. As for the benefits, you can google those … as well as read the comments by other.

  • Jaclyn

    Tracy, thanks for this informative post and video. Just one question. In your post you refer to “Asian Ginseng” but your Amazon link goes to a product listed as “American Ginseng.” Do you alternate between the two kinds, or was there a typo?

  • Celsa Muniz

    Tracy, thanks for the video. I’m in my middle sixty . I never really thought about taking anything besides a multi vitamin. After watching your video I realized that is time to take care of my body.
    I tried to. order the protein powder from you but I was not able to.

  • Lynn

    Tracy, thanks so much for all the information on supplementation. I never thought much of it until you mentioned adrenals. I donated a kidney years ago which has left me with essentially 1 working adrenal gland since the other was tied off. No Dr ever even mentioned this as a side effect before my donation. I have been battling a growing health crisis for years. Now I’m looking for a good functional Medicine Dr in my area and I ordered some 310 products . Thanks for the awesome videos and great information !!