Magnesium for Better Sleep

Magnesium for Better Sleep

The suggestion to take any type of supplement always raises the question, “Do I need supplements to be healthy?” “Can’t I get all my micronutrients from the food I eat?” It seems silly that we should evolve to need a shelf full of pills just to function normally. These are very reasonable questions and it’s certainly better to research it, evaluate your diet, your needs, and decide for yourself if you need to take any supplements before blithely strolling down the vitamin section of your local health store.

While I cannot tell you whether or not you NEED to be taking Magnesium, I can tell you five reasons why I take it and why I think you may want to consider taking it, yourself.

1. Sleep

Life is hectic, so a good night’s sleep is essential for me. Magnesium can help insomnia and is one of the ‘essential’ nutrients I take just before bed. Although Magnesium does play a roll in sleep, I must say there is no guarantee that you will fall into a deep sleep quickly or keep you there all night. “My hormones are living proof.” That is not true. But what I can say is that if you do have trouble with sleep, low magnesium levels could very well be your culprit.

2. Muscle Relaxant

Ever experience sore, tight muscles? Do you carry stress and tenseness in your neck and shoulder area? Taking a Magnesium supplement can really help in this area. It is also suggested that individuals with muscle cramps or restless leg syndrome should supplement with Magnesium for its muscle relaxant effects.

3. Heart Health

Magnesium can also help with general heart health. It may help with lowering the risk of coronary heart diseases. Dietary surveys have suggested that sufficient Magnesium intake may reduce the chance of having a stroke. Magnesium deficiency increases the risk of abnormal heart rhythms. Therefore, consuming recommended amounts of Magnesium supplementation may be beneficial to the cardiovascular system. Magnesium may also help with hypertension (high blood pressure).

4. Bone Health

It’s important to have good bone health. Magnesium is involved in bone formation and influences how bone is built up and broken down. This is one of the reasons it is recommended to supplement Calcium along with Magnesium to improve bone mineral density. Magnesium deficiency alters calcium metabolism and the hormones that regulate calcium, resulting in osteoporosis. Intake of recommended levels of Magnesium is important because it combats osteoporosis.

5. Prevention of Diabetes

We are at a time when most people are very conscious of their diet. On the other hand, what’s confusing about that, is we’re also at the highest obesity rate ever. Being conscious about your diet is not the same as APPLYING what you know is right for the function of your body. Magnesium can help with carbohydrate metabolism and helps insulin work more efficiently, controlling blood glucose levels. It has been proven that for every 100 milligram increase in magnesium daily intake, there is a 15% decrease in the risk of developing type-2 diabetes.

These are the five reasons I personally take Magnesium. But there are many other benefits. It has been known to help with:

  • PMS cramping & mood swings
  • Asthma
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Migraines
  • Depression

Most stores carry different forms of ย Magnesium. I prefer the Magnesium Citrate, at bedtime, as it improves your digestive flow. In other words, Magnesium moves. This can be a benefit if you need assistance in that area. But if it causes cramping or diarrhea, it’s too much. You can try to combat that by lowering your dosage or take ‘Magnesium malate’, ‘taurate’, or ‘glycinate’, which are less stimulating and better absorbed by the body.

Magnesium for Better Sleep

I take a Calcium Magnesium Plus Zincย tablet first thing in the morning, along with CoQ10ย and Vitamin D3. The bottle recommends taking three a day. However, because I take Magnesium at bedtime, I only take one or two. I take 400 mg of the Magnesium Citrateย at bedtime, as was recommended by my functional health practitioner. I have also heard that an estimated dosage is one that is between 3 and 10 mg per pound of body weight. If you are unsure, check with your doctor.

If you have not read or want to reference back to my other supplement posts, you can check out the Aloe Vera Juice oneย here, and the Milk Thistle oneย here. Also, stay tuned for more supplement blog posts in the future.

Calcium Magnesium Zinc: Solgar 250 Tabletย (comes in 2 other sizes)ย |ย Magnesium Citrate:ย Solgar 120 Capsuleย (sold in one other size) or another oneย hereย ย | Other Products mentioned:ย CoQ10ย andย Vitamin D3ย | Pillbox Containers I use:ย Am/Pm 7-Dayย (with how I use this, it covers 2 weeks for me) / this oneย here, I also use daily / I LOVE this oneย hereย for on the go

Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor, nor am I registered dietitian. The opinions expressed in this blog post reflect my personal experience and ongoing investigations into functional conditions related to everyday health and nutrition.




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  • Amy Henson

    Thanks for the info; I am always interested in why supplements are beneficial. I’ve been meaning to ask you, though: have you ever heard of someone having night sweats as a result of taking magnesium? I tried talking this when I saw your Snapchats. It definitely improved my sleep, other than my being awakened from the sweating it caused. I only took it 3-4 nights, and then the sweating stopped when I stopped taking the magnesium citrate. Just curious; maybe I’m just weird!!

    • tracyhensel

      Amy, thanks for your reply back. Wow, night sweats!?! No, I have not heard any of my clients having this problem once including Magnesium to their rotation. Nor have I had this experience. I do get night sweats periodically .. but it’s a result of the peri-menopausal symptoms. I would research it. I agree, I wouldn’t be taking anything that caused that kind of discomfort. I’m sorry you experienced that. But I am glad you brought it up.

      • Amy Henson

        I looked into a little, and it started causing me to experience that “medical students’ disease,” lol. I am sure I am fine, but it may have something to do with my kidneys. I just wondered if I was the only one to experience that. Thanks, again, for all your info; I find it so helpful! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป

  • Tammy

    Another super fabulous post!!! You have really great information to share, Thanks for Sharing!!!

    • tracyhensel

      Thank you Tammy … appreciate it!

  • Teri

    Love your blog and snaps Tracy! I was looking for a good Magnesium supplement and in researching this one, I found it has titanium dioxide in it,….not good for you. I found a better option I thought I would share. The Vitacost brands are very good, the Vitacost magnesium citrate 400 mg has a better option and at a better cost. It’s hard to find completely safe supplements, but the less harmful chemicals the better! I use mostly Young Living supplements and their oils because of their Seed to Seal standard, but I am loving the vitacost brands for alternatives. Here is a great article as well:

    Thank You for all your fun posts and down to earth way of sharing!

    • tracyhensel

      Thank you Teri! I appreciate you bringing it to my attention. I will definitely look into the product you recommended. I also appreciate you sharing how much you are enjoying both my snaps and my blog. I absolutely love the interaction between all of us, and the fact that we are always looking to become more educated and help one another out. Blessings to you! xx