The last Deodorant You’ll Ever Buy

The Last Deodorant You'll Ever Buy

Ladies, I kid you not, once you try Donna Karan’s Cashmere Mist Deodorant, you’ll never go back. Yes, it really is the last deodorant you’ll ever buy! This stuff is AMAZING!!! I know what you’re thinking, ‘come on, it’s just deodorant’! But once giving it a try, people cannot get enough. It is the ultimate cult product.

Let me be the one to spill the beans on the whole sweaty (and sometimes stinky) pits, dihllema. I am what you would call a clinical strength kind of girl. I don’t know if it’s because I’m an exerciser, hot flasher, night sweater or what. But I have never had any luck with anti-perspirant/deodorants until the more power house, clinical strength versions came out, a few years back. A lot of these newbies were labeled Sport, and also came labeled with a heftier price tag. Although, these stronger versions would get me through half the day, I always had to reapply at some point.

A few years back, I recall watching a Youtube guru. I don’t remember who. I think her name may have been, Peggy. I really liked her. She was older than me, dealing with peri-menopause, and had a quiet, subtle voice that I found soothing. I don’t think Peggy makes videos, anymore. But I am pretty sure that it was because of Peggy, that I honed in on the Donna Karan Cashmere Mist Deodorant, and gave it a try. I have never turned back!

I can certainly see where this pricey gem, at $26 a pop, could give the average person a little sticker shock. But what I have found, is one deodorant stick lasts the equivalent of about 3 of its drugstore counterparts. For myself, when you do the math .. it’s virtually no extra cost, at all.

Cashmere Mist Deodorant has a delicate scent. You would think that because it originates from a fragrance line, it would have a perfumey scent. I don’t know what Cashmere Mist fragrance smells like. I’ve never actually takin’ a whiff. I assure you however, there is no perfume scent to this Deodorant. It is subtle and lovely. The best part .. it works! It works all day, through workouts, hot flashes and night sweats. Unless this Deodorant sadly gets discontinued, it is ‘The Last Deodorant I’ll Ever Buy’!!!

Donna Karan Cashmere Mist Deodorant/Anti- Perspirant available at …

Ulta (gift w/ purchase) | Sephora | Nordstrom (free shipping) | Gift Set @ Nordstrom (free shipping) | Macy’s (gift w/ purchase + free shipping)

Nail polish that I am wearing: China Glaze Dope Taupe from the Rebel Fall Collection

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  • Roselen

    Oh, I remember Peggy. I really enjoyed her videos, too…her voice and calm demeanor. I had the same experience as you. She mentioned it and I bought it and haven’t looked back either…that was a few years ago. I just bought the 3-pack gift set at Nordstroms during their Anniversary Sale. It works so well, such a lovely scent, too. Thanks for sharing.

    • tracyhensel

      Roselen, thanks for your comment. That’s perfect that you were able to get such a great gift set at the Anniversary Sale. Wish I would have thought about checking it out then. The first year that I started using the Cashmere Mist Deodorant, Sephora used to do a two-pack at Christmas time … they have since stopped.

  • casey

    I have had the same luck with a detergent for my workout clothes. It gets the smell out & everyone thinks you smell amazing, little do they know it’s your laundry. It’s by Tyler Candle Company in the scent “High Maintenance”. I buy mine on amazon. It is a little pricy, but I only do workout clothes and you don’t have to use very much! You will fall in love!

    • tracyhensel

      WOW Casey, thank you for the tip!!! My workout clothes definitely develop a not-so-pleasant scent over time. This detergent sounds like it is worth a try … and possibly a future review. I added it to my 1st of the Month “Amazon” order list. Thanks again! xo

  • Jami

    CANNOT TELL YOU how happy I am to see this post from you! I’m always on the lookout for a great deodorant without having to go to the men’s section. Just placed my order! I also want to comment on the Tyler Candle Company ‘High Maintenance’ scent. They have several detergent options to choose from and I also prefer HM! It’s not only good for workout clothes, I like to use it when washing my bedding as well. My hair has a hint of it in the mornings & my little chihuahua wakes up smelling yummy too!

    • tracyhensel

      H Jami! I am so glad that you found this video, helpful. Thanks for your comment. I hope the deodorant works for you.

  • Tresa Tuttle

    This deodorant literally saved me from embarrassment during hot summer months. It’s worth every penny. I can’t believe it’s been discontinued! Any suggestions for alternatives?