How to be thick skinned in ten steps

Today’s video is exciting! I’m sharing 10 tips on how to be thick skinned! These tips apply to EVERYONE and have helped me so much in life. I’m also sharing some exciting news in todays video! Do you have thick skin or is it something you need help with?

//Other videos to watch//

Tip 1- Understand the limited mindset of others

People who are afraid to move outside of their comfort zone will try to project their limitations onto you. Unfortunately, many of us have been raised to view life with a limited mindset. Understand how they see the world and you won’t take offense to their comments.

Tip 2- Understand who you seek approval from

Take the time to consider the mindset of the people you seek approval from.

Tip 3- Understand haters come with the territory

If you don’t have any haters, you’re a nobody. It’s impossible to be well known or recognized without having critics. In fact, large amounts of criticism may draw more attention to your work. People love a controversy.

Tip 4- Don’t take things personally

If you take something personally it’s because you agree with it. It takes time to develop thick skin. Part of that development is understanding that being upset is a choice.

Tip 5- Don’t be ambitious, be sane

Ambition means tying your well-being to the opinions of others. Sanity means tying it to your actions. If you want to be sane you need to find happiness and meaning in the effort you’re putting forth, regardless of the results. Your work will remain restricted if it’s tied to the opinions of other people.

Tip 6- Don’t respond to negativity, haters or trolls

The ones you know and the ones you don’t know. Don’t reply to negative comments on your blog posts, social media posts, etc. Don’t feel the need to defend yourself when you’re being attacked. It’s a waste of your time and energy. Put that energy in to continuing to create. Hurt people attempt to hurt people. Leave it in the attempt. Misery loves company. You are not miserable and therefore not on your time!

Tip 7- Recognize that no one is immune to criticism

Google “Negative comments about Mother Theresa” — There are 494,000 results of people bashing Mother Theresa. Even the most pious individuals aren’t immune to criticism. Understand this fact and embrace it.

Tip 8- Consider the life of a critic

A critic takes a small amount of time to judge work you may have spent several hours, days, months, years, or your entire life creating. It’s much easier to critique other people’s work than to do work of your own.

Tip 9- Understand someone looks up to you

If you’re pursuing something great, you have people who look up to you. There are people who respect you for putting yourself out there. There are people who appreciate your work. Keep in mind that you’re touching other people’s lives with the work you do. It would be selfish to hide your gifts from a world that needs it because you’re scared of a little criticism.

Tip 10- Do great work

When you’re creating something you should be your toughest critic. Not to get down on yourself, but to make sure the work you’re putting out is great. When you take the time to do great work you can negate potential criticism. You can also feel positive about the work you do even when it’s criticized.

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Do you have any additional tips to be thick skinned?

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  • Sheri

    I use cedar wood essential oils on my big toe for sleep and it works good for me!
    You may want to try it and see if it works for you


  • Maria-Teresa Leflar

    Dear Tracy,

    First, let me say: I am a HUGE fan, and look up to you for doing “great work!”

    And second, have you launched your online workshop “Becoming the Best Version of Yourself” to elevate the personal skills you mention in this video? I would absolutely LOVE to register! Please do let me know. It would be a high priority endeavour for 2020!!

    Toronto, ON Canada