how to age honestly

Periwinkle Blue

How to Age Honestly ….hmmm, I rarely come up with a title prior to actually writing the blog post. I don’t even know where I pulled this one out of … probably one of the MANY wires zinging out of my head. Just another day with too many tabs open. {sip} Unfortunately, now I have to come up with some content. What creative thing am I going to say about aging honestly?Β {gulp} Hold on, let me google what the opposite of honestly is. Oh, it’s ‘untruthful’. Ok, that was hard {have a drink why don’t ya… Airhead}. Since I don’t know where I am going with this, I’m just going to make things up as we go. After all, it is ‘Words & Wine Down Wednesday’. I say it every week; I am a woman who is drinking wine and I may change my mind at any given moment. By the end of this post, we very well could be talking about aging ‘untruthfully’Β orΒ worse, we could be talking aboutΒ a whole new subject … ya just never know when there is wine and women involved. {sippy~sippy}


Periwinkle Blue

I’ve always loved watching celebrity womenΒ on TV,Β seated ever so honestly with an interviewer who invariably asks the the ultimate ‘gotcha’ question: “Would you ever have Botox?” I crack up watching the celebrity fumble for wordsΒ as she squirms in her seat. In the background, I’m usually blurting out, “What’s the big deal?” Because of Hollywood’s disgraceful youth-obsession, we can assume that many female celebs have indeed tried all the latest and greatest techniques. Here sits the actress,Β who most likely has regularly been using wrinkle relaxers. She’sΒ uncomfortably squirming in her seat, making an attempt to furrow her frozen brow at the question. She then proceeds to produce an acceptably feminist answer: “I tried Botox once, but I’d never use it again,” or “Of course not, I love the lines on my face.” Now I’m blurtingΒ out a whole new word that I’m not going to say, except it’s a compound word, with the first word being ‘bull’ more hints.Β {sip, over-due}Β Back to this celebrity …. for crying out-loud lady, you never had any lines in the first place!!! {gulp}

Periwinkle Blue

I have to say, I definitely think women have moved away from face-lifts and toward less invasive injectables. Now, I’m not a plasic surgeon, even though visiting oneΒ might be nice. I can’t tell if someone has had cosmetic procedures. But I think we all can tell when someone looks DRASTICALLY younger than the age that comes up on Google. What surprises me is not that celebrities feel they must keep quiet about their procedures, but that the rest of us do. Why are we still acting as if interventions are shameful and taboo? It appears we have decided that, in terms of aging, women are divided into two categories: the “naturals” and the “fakes”. You who are “naturals” eschew intervention, and you have your reasons (moral, cultural, financial, or maybe some blend of the three). Other women, including me, are ok with tweaks that make us look “more like ourselves” or I like to think of it as “fresh and rested.” I don’t call that “fake”. I call that a woman’s right to do what feels best for herself and, in some cases, her career. All of us “naturals” andΒ “tweakers” can age gracefully, looking beautiful in the way we feel most comfortable. As I see it, the more we imply that anyone who tweaks has somehow cheated, or faked it, the more we put one another down. You all know how I feel about that! {sip} I’m sure most of you ladies have been in that conversation where someone says, “She looks great!” Another person (who may have done some tweaking herself) retorts, “Yeah, but you know she’s had work!” Phew, now we all feel better, right?Β {gulp}

Periwinkle Blue

My response to that: My butt’s had work (in the form of exercise), my hair’s had work (in the form of expensive color and cut), my legs have had work (in the form of shaving). Hell, my bikini line has had work (in the form of laser…ouch!)Β {SIP}.. no more having to shave that area!! {insert arms-criss-crossed girl emoji here .. and take a sip and yell CHEERSΒ while you’reΒ at it!} Oh, and my arm-pits and upper lip (same form, different area)..ouch!Β {SIP!} Β Yep, all smooth as a baby’s butt. Ok, cut me off. {swig} Now,Β granted, this all took place in the days when I had money and not teenager’s cars, braces, college tuition and my make-up and wardrobe collection to worry about! {big sip}

Periwinkle Blue

How do we decide which forms of self-improvement areΒ notΒ acceptable? When have you ever heard someone say, “Sure, her skin looks fresh and pearly, but, you know sheΒ stoppedΒ smoking!”

Periwinkle Blue

Here’s an idea. Let’s celebrate ALL women’s choices about aging. Whether they’re aΒ “natural” or a “tweaker”, let’s all rejoice in a joyous bleat of validation so that next time, when someone asks if you’ve had work, you can just tell the beautiful truth.

Words & Wine Down Wednesday

Top:Β hereΒ  | Β Jeans: hereΒ  | Β Shoes:Β here,Β here, orΒ hereΒ Β | Β Handbag:Β here,Β here, orΒ here| Β Earrings: hereΒ orΒ hereΒ  | Β Lipstick: hereΒ Β | Β Lip-liner: here | Β Lip-gloss: hereΒ  |Β Β Lip-plumper: hereΒ or hereΒ Β | Β Nailpolish:Β hereΒ  | Β Eyeshadow Palette:Β hereΒ  | Β Blush: hereΒ  | Β Blush Brush: hereΒ  | Β Cosmetic Bag:Β here


Tonight’s Wine Review:Β I haveΒ recommendedΒ this Chardonnay by La Crema before. This a great cocktail hour wine, but pairs well with chicken, fish, and veggie dishes, as well. This chardonnay is pleasant to the nose, showing full aromas of ripe pear with a good dose of vanilla spice and oak,Β and a faint touch of honey. The oak is not too overpowering, as can be in some chardonnays. The best way to describe this wine on the palate is smooth, buttery, and ripe. It’s very polished. The ripeness is most apparent upfront, but carries through mid-palate and stays around til the finish. Love it! It’s just an enjoyable wine, overall. Mid-range price, not as low as some of the others I have featured. But also not as hefty as some I may feature in the near future. Hope you enjoy!

Periwinkle Blue

LA CREMA Chardonnay

Disclaimer: Beverages containing alcohol are often associated with sharing, pleasure, unwinding, and socializing. However, there are times when drinking at all or too much can be risky to you or to others. This blog post is for light-hearted sharing ONLY! If you are over the age of 21 and choose to drink, please drink responsibly and don’t drink and drive.

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  • Amy Henson

    Amen, sister!! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ’―

    • tracyhensel

      Thanks Amy! Love the support!!! Have a great weekend!

  • Karen

    Hi Tracy ,
    I just started watching your snapchat and after listening to your comments on sugars I want to suggest it for a blog. Also this Wednesdays photographs are my favorite so far. Thanks for all the time and work you spend helping us ladies.

  • tracyhensel

    Hi Karen, thank you for your suggestion. I too think touching on sugar would make for a informative blog post, as there is so much hidden forms of it out there and it is wrecking our health and aging us faster and faster.I appreciate your feedback on my photos and appreciation for my posts. Have a lovely weekend!