Get The Skinny On Coolsculpting

I have some exciting news! I will be teaming up with a local Plastic Surgery office to have a procedure done called, Coolsculpting. Sarah Eyerman, from Celestial Institute of Plastic Surgery in Canton, Michigan contacted me. Sarah asked if I would be interested in collaborating with their Plastic Surgery facility and test out the Coolsculpting Procedure. My responsibility would include: informing YOU (my viewers) about Coolsculpting, share my experience and follow up with my results. You know that I am a sucker for trying out anything … especially if it is non-invasive. Of course, I said, “Let’s meet!!”

Sarah and I met, and sure enough I was a candidate to have the procedure done. I am both excited and interested. But being the skeptical person that I am, part of me is thinking .. can this really work? I do believe liposuction is effective. But Liposuction is an ‘invasive’ treatment. With Liposuction, you are under anesthesia, and small incisions have to be made. Can Coolsculpting, being a non-invasive procedure, be just as effective as Liposuction? Or more importantly, can Coolsculpting even work for someone like me? My issues are more of excessive skin , than so-called fat. Or so I like to think.

Sarah gave me the permission to pick the body location that I would prefer to test the Coolsculpting procedure on. Of course, I chose the lower abdomen, as that area is my biggest problem. I am toned, and do have abdominal muscles. They are certainly not, Abs of Steel, however .. by any means. Unfortunately, being left with the excess skin, I will never see those hard earned muscles. But they are definitely there.

Many of you are aware that I have had 5 pregnancies and was graciously left with a condition called, Diastasis. Along with that, I was left with excess skin, as well as a few stretch marks on my lower abdomen. Years ago, I saw a Plastic Surgeon regarding a couple post-pregnancy issues. He informed me that I am indeed a great candidate for a Mini Tummy Tuck. By doing the Mini Tummy Tuck, the Plastic Surgeon would be able to accomplish all three concerns: eliminate the extra skin due to multiple pregnancies, fix the diastasis, and get rid of the stretch marks. I did not choose to do this surgery, at the time. I chose to do another invasive procedure, instead. During this time, I did not have a budget hefty enough to cover the two procedures. Although I have no regrets for electing to do the latter surgery, you better believe that the Mini Tummy Tuck is still high on my bucket list.

With that being said, Coolsculpting is not a procedure designed to take care of those three issues. Coolsculpting  is a procedure to treat fat. Sarah examined the area and did indeed say there was plenty of fat there to work with. Thanks Sarah!!! lol

I am excited to get this procedure done. And I cannot wait to share my experience and results with you. Well, are you ready to …..


Coolsculpting is the worlds #1 non-invasive fat-reduction procedure. No surgery, needles, or

downtime! The CoolSculpting procedure uses innovative fat freezing technology designed to

safely target and kill stubborn above the muscle fat cells without damaging surrounding tissue.

Once fat cells are treated they are gone FOREVER! Your body naturally processes the fat and

eliminates these dead cells. Treatment plans are customized to individual needs, shape, and

goals. Informational Website: Coolsculpting

Several years ago at Harvard University, two doctors, Dieter Manstein and R. Rox Anderson, noticed that children’s cheeks would form dimples after eating popsicles. The doctors realized that the cold from the popsicles was freezing and eliminating small pockets of fat cells, while leaving the skin and surrounding tissues undamaged. This realization became the driving insight behind the development of CoolSculpting.

CoolSculpting treatments are best for localized areas of fat (like those stubborn love handles). CoolSculpting uses different applicators, most of which have a suction to draw tissue to target those stubborn localized pockets of fat. All you have to do is sit back and relax and let the applicators evenly freeze your fat cells for the duration of your procedure. As the temperature lowers the fat cells crystallize and die, while a gel pad protects the surrounding skin and tissue. The procedure is completely non-invasive and the setting is so relaxing that many patients bring a laptop to work, watch some TV, or even take a short nap while the treatment is taking place. Over the course of the next several weeks (3 months), the dead crystallized fat cells are permanently excreted through your body’s lymphatic system.

Who Is CoolSculpting Good For?

Not everyone is a candidate for Cool Sculpting. The best candidates for the procedure are those who are looking to get rid of stubborn above muscle pockets of fat that refuse to go away no matter how much you excercise or diet. Other candidates are those that are looking for a reduction in fat that will help clothing fit better. It is important to understand that CoolSculpting is a fat reduction procedure, not a weight loss procedure. Results are seen in inches, not pounds.

How Effective Is CoolSculpting?

If you meet all the criteria for the ideal CoolSculpting patient, eat well, exercise with regularity, and have realistic expectation for the procedure, it can be extremely effective at reducing subcutaneous fat.

It is imperative to maintain your body weight after your treatment through proper nutrition and exercise. This prolongs the effectiveness of the improvements and, as a result, your own satisfaction with the process. The results are only as permanent as your willingness to maintain them.

Can the Treatments Be Repeated?

Yes, the treatments can absolutely be repeated. Typically, a single treatment results in shrinkage of about 20-25% in the targeted area. Full results usually take about two to three months, because it takes your body about that long to naturally remove all the crystallized fat cells, however if we know that we want to agressively treat a specific area, we will do a second treatment 30 days after the first treatment. Second treatments may be done at the end of three months if a patient decides he/she wants to treat again.

Where Does the Fat from CoolSculpting Treatments Go?

Immediately following the procedure, you will be the same size. Don’t worry! This is normal, it will take up to 3 months to see full results. Some people are “hyper-responders” and will begin to see results after 3 to 4 weeks. Fat is held inside sack-like cells that expand and contract as you gain and lose weight throughout your lifetime. The panels in the applicator evenly cools the tissue causing fat cells to undergo a freezing process we call apoptosis. The fat cells die through apoptosis, and begin to collapse. The body then processes the dead fat cells and the body naturally eliminates them over a span of three months.

Is CoolSculpting Safe?

CoolSculpting enjoys significantly reduced risks compared to other fat reduction techniques that use heat and radio frequency.

Of course, no procedure is completely without risk. Most people don’t experience any side effects following the procedure, but there are a few common things that can develop shortly after, including:

  • Temporary numbness.
  • Mild soreness.
  • Mild bruising.

CoolSculpting is usually a pain free experience, with only these few mild side effects. However, on rare occasions other, more severe side effects can present themselves, including:

  • Late onset nerve firing post treatment that sometimes requires pain medication. This occurs in less than 20 % of patients. Compare this with the 100% of patients who experience pain and discomfort following liposuction.
  • Numbness extending beyond a week or so.
  • Bruising from the device is usually completely absent or extremely mild, however, since the device utilizes suction, a “hickey” like effect can occur with more pronounced bruising, though this is uncommon.

CoolSculpting: Your Treatment from A-Z


CoolSculpting is an extremely safe, 100% non-invasive procedure. This means there is little that you need to do to prepare yourself for the treatment. With that being said, there are a few things you can do to make sure you are as comfortable as possible prior to your treatment.

  1. Undergo a consultation to make sure that you are a candidate.

CoolSculpting is not a weight loss tool. It’s for those stubborn fat pockets that you’ve tried to get rid of without success. To be the most effective, you’ll also need enough pliable fat that can be manipulated by the handpiece of the CoolSculpting device (but don’t worry, the handpiece comes in several sizes). Your unwanted fat should be distinct, with clear borders for the best results.Ideally, your skin should be healthy, with a low level of laxity. If you have an active infection or your skin is broken in the target area, you’ll need to postpone your treatment. Lastly, you should be in good general health.

  1. Find out how many treatments you’ll need.

The number of your fat cells can be reduced by about 20-30% in one treatment. That can definitely make a visible improvement. However, most patients usually get about three treatments to achieve their aesthetic goals, with a two- to four-month wait between each treatment. During your consultation and assessment with your practitioner, you’ll be able to get a better idea of how many treatments you’ll need.

  1. Stop taking anti-inflammatory medications.

Unless you’re taking something like Advil or Ibuprofen for a specific medical treatment or condition, it’s best to consider not taking any anti-inflammatory’s before your treatment. CoolSculpting can sometimes result in bruising. Any anti-inflammatory medications can increase the odds of this happening, as well as their severity. That being said, it is always important to consult with your doctor before discontinuing any of your regular medications.

  1. Prepare yourself for some minor pain.

Anecdotal evidence reports that roughly 9 out of 10 CoolSculpting patients don’t experience any pain at all. However, roughly 10% of patients do experience some pain, usually a couple days after their treatment. Based on these statistics, it’s unlikely that you’ll feel much pain, and it’s likely to fade quickly if you do. But it’s always a good idea to prepare for it anyway. Some things that can help control pain include Ibuprofen and Spanx or another compression garment. In the most extreme cases, a prescription strength pain medication may be necessary.

  1. Get comfortable.

Being comfortable helps ease the mind and body before any procedure, and making sure you have the most appropriate clothing is one of the easiest ways to stay comfortable. On the day of your treatment you should wear loose fitting clothing. Many patients like a baggy button-up collared shirt. You should also wear inexpensive undergarments and consider bringing an extra set to change into. A gel is applied between the CoolSculpting applicator and your skin, so it might get your clothes wet.

  1. Don’t forget to bring some entertainment.

Depending on the specifics of your treatment, each session can last several hours — during which all you’ll need to do is lie there. If nothing doesn’t appeal to you, then consider it a perfect time to play catch up on work, email, tv shows, or whatever else you can do on your phone, laptop or tablet. Some patients feel comfortable enough to nap.

The Treatment

Congratulations — you’ve been approved for the procedure and are now ready to start your treatment. Your procedure will progress through these steps:

  • You will be escorted into your private treatment room where you’ll remove your clothing from the area about to be treated.
  • You’ll be photographed for documentation purposes and your skin will be marked to best guide the CoolSculpting device. At this point in the process you will just sit, get comfortable, and relax.
  • When you’re ready to begin, a gel barrier will be placed over the area to be treated. This gel layer is a thin membrane that varies in size depending on the target area.
  • Next, the actual CoolSculpting machine applicator is applied directly over the gel. Most applicators use vacuum pressure to draw the specified area up and between a pair of cooling pads.
  • Once the suction is secure, the cooling process begins. With the aid of modern technology and precisely controlled cooling, the pads lower the tissue to near freezing temperatures. This low temperature has been proven to specifically target and destroy fat cells, while leaving the surrounding skin and muscle tissues remarkably unharmed. The optimal temperature is 4°C. Through this perfectly natural process the fat cells in the affected area crystallize, die, release their stores of fat, and are removed by your own body over time, just like any other dead or damaged cells.
  • When the cooling portion of the treatment is complete, the area is vigorously massaged for a few moments, and then you’re done!



Look for a video to come soon, sharing the actual Coolsculpting procedure being performed on me! Subscribe to My Channel and you will receive immediate notification when that video goes live.

This post is sponsored by Celestial Institute Of Plastic Sugery. Coolsculpting will be performed by Medical Aesthetician, Sarah Eyerman.

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  • Cristi Ramos

    Thank you for the information on this Tracy! I actually may look into this myself. I have two stubborn areas that will not melt away the cellulite and you know how harsh the judges can be when they are analyzing your physique. Good luck with the procedure and I hope it brings what you are wanting!

    • tracyhensel

      You’re welcome Cristi! I cannot wait to see if this is a results-oriented procedure for someone like me. I go next week! I will definitely share ALL the details!!! Enjoy the rest of your week! xx

  • Max Jones

    Coolsculpting treatments are something I’ve heard my wife mention in the past, and I’ve wondered a lot about. I like that you talked about being sure you are a candidate for coolsculpting before booking an appointment. My wife has asked me if I think we could afford to have her do coolsculpting treatment, so hopefully I can find out a little bit more and make sure its something that would help her before we pay for it!

    • tracyhensel

      Hi Max! Yes, it is something that you really want to think about thoroughly. It is not cheap. It is also not going to fix a weight problem, or saggy skin problem. I am starting to notice results. I feel that I am noticing more of a waistline and some contouring .. as well as a flatter lower abdomen. Bear in mind that I have had three areas done. Three areas is quite expensive. Just do your homework. I will have a video out soon showing the whole experience. Thanks for leaving a comment.

    • Brenda

      Hi Tracy! When will you be posting a video on this?

      • tracyhensel

        As soon as I receive the photos from the Plasti Sugery center! I am at the mercy of them! But I am glad it took a while. My thoughts have changed a lot, since the first couple months post procedure!