5 Food & Fitness Tips You need to hear

5 Food & Fitness Tips You Need To Hear

Good morning! My internet has been down for two days, and I feel extremely behind. I am typing this blog post at 6 o’clock Thursday evening, when I generally like to be done for the day. So let’s not waste any time and jump into ‘5 Food & Fitness Tips You Need To Hear’. Before we get started, I must say that these tips are things I have to remind myself of … and often. We all want the same thing – to be healthy and look great. There are times that we all struggle, when it comes to achieving and maintaining our health and how we look. Don’t ever feel you are alone on your journey to become your best self!


Yes, we have all heard how much genetics play a role in just about everything when it comes to our size, shape and health. Yes, genetics do play a role in many ways. But environmental factors play even a bigger roll. So ditch the excuses of genetics, make better choices for yourself, and you will reap what you sow. Trust me!

5 Food & Fitness Tips You Need To Hear


You are NOT getting enough sleep! Something’s gotta give. I am just as guilty as the next sleep deprived person. I know this, because I sleep next to one … my husband. If it weren’t for his nightly snoring, maybe I would catch more zzz’s. I love social media just as much as the next obsessed person. Try having instagram be a part of your business…talk about crazy. But, you can NOT follow it all. I recommend you narrow it down. It’s tough, I know. We only have so many hours in a day and we have to prioritize. Backing off on something in the evening will be different for everyone. It could be television, Netflix, games on your phone, whatever.  If you are not getting enough zzz’s, you are throwing your cortisol and insulin out of whack. Guess what ….. yep, you’re becoming even more of a fat-storing machine! I’m sorry, but somebody had to tell you!

5 Food & Fitness Tips You Need To Hear


Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym …..PERIOD!!!!!!! Rant over!!!

% Food & Fitness Tips You Need to Hear


Another segway to storing fat is STRESS!!! You have to get a grip on it. If you perceive life as “stressful” {who doesn’t}, you’re more likely to store fat, gain weight and break down muscle. Stress causes you to release excessive amounts of cortisol, which = fat. This fat is dominantly stored in the belly. If you want to get stress under control, exercise can be your best Xanax and it will save you a lot of money. A guided meditation is another great resource. There are many apps out there that you can download on your phone. Tara Brach offers a nice free app, Insight Timer. If any of you have other recommendations for meditation apps, please leave them in the comment section below. Other ways to alleviate stress: get a massage, have an orgasm (hey, let’s be honest), or walk your dog around the block. Whatever it is that you can do, find it, figure it out and do it regularly.

5 Food & Fitness Tips You Need To Hear


You knew this was coming!! Sugar is the ENEMY! Sugar is making you FAT!!!

Fructose is the most metabolically, harmful sugar. It goes straight to your liver, where it makes fat and triggers insulin and leptin resistance. Remember, fructose doesn’t tell your precious little brain that you’re satisfied, so you still feel hungry and keep eating. This is one of the reasons people over-do it at parties and get-togethers. Most of the food at these lovely events are loaded with fructose. Yes, that’s where the term ‘food coma’ inherited its name. Fructose equals inflammation, a stressed-out liver, and more and more visceral fat. Eeek! If you are trying to lose weight, watch your high-fructose fruit, such as banana, dates and dried apricots. Check the glycemic index on your fruits and stick to the ones that are lower on the glycemic spectrum: my picks are lemons, limes, and my favorites, avocados and olives. Grapefruit is 25 {excellent}, cherries – 20 {excellent, again}, apples – 39, grapes – 53 {ouch}. You catch where I am going with this. Yes, I know that fiber helps to offset the sugar. But if weightloss is your motive, you will get all the fiber you need from veggies. I’m not saying fruit is bad. You just have to take a look at your goals. And just a little fyi, Agave = BIG ENEMY! Agave is very high in fructose. How many Margaritas have you downed thinking they are healthier because they have agave in them??? You’re smarter than that, I know you are!!

I knew this tip on sugar would get lengthy, so I saved it until the end. In the future, I will hit more in-depth post on sugar and how it is wreaking havoc on every aspect of your body … and MIND!!!

Glucose is still a simple sugar. Eating highly processed foods, simple starches (white flour, white rice), and foods containing sugar will elevate blood glucose significantly. For a while, the pancreas can handle this workload. Did you hear me? “For a while”. However, over time it becomes exhausted and unable to efficiently release insulin any longer. This is where you see your Type-2 Diabetes, or in a lot of cases, Metabolic Syndrome. Many people are unaware that they have Metabolic Syndrome. Generally, these people are the ones that even if they do go on a diet, they don’t get results. Metabolic Syndrome has thrown their hormones so out of whack, they can’t get their body to cooperate.

5 Food & Fitness Tips You Need To Hear

Bottom line: If you want to see changes in your body, ditch the sugars. Eat fructose that is only in fruit and occasionally honey, as our ancestors did, and the body should not have too many problems. Unfortunately, most people are taking in soda, baked goods, crackers, canned goods, restaurant food and many other forms of garbage. As a result, they’re getting fatter and fatter. Eat glucose in the form of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, and you should have no problems. Stay away from starches and simple sugars, as you will wind up with a messed up metabolism and as a result, get fatter and fatter.

5 Food & Fitness Tips You Need To Hear

I hope you found these food and fitness tips to be helpful. I will definitely get more tips out there in the future. Have a great weekend! Eat clean & stay lean!!! And thanks for traveling through memory lane with a few of my old instagram photos. We’ll just call this ‘Flashback Friday’!

5 Food & Fitness Tips You Need To Hear

Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor, nor am I registered dietitian. The opinions expressed in this blog post reflect my personal experience and ongoing investigations into functional conditions related to everyday health and nutrition.


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  • Lucy Ladley - Luscious Fibers

    Super Helpful Reminders, Tracy! It is nice to have all of your recommendations for a healthy body in one blog.

    • tracyhensel

      Thank you Lucy! Appreciate your nice comment! Also, thank you for all the retweets and love you so graciously give. It does not go unnoticed! xx

  • Gia

    L❤️VED this post!!!!

    • tracyhensel

      So glad, Gia! Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend! xx

  • Keri

    These are great reminders. Thanks for sharing and keep them coming in the future!

    • tracyhensel

      Thanks Keri! I certainly will!Have a great weekend! Wishing it was last Friday all over again! So much fun, so little time. xx

  • Lisa

    Love all of the nutrition information you share with us, keep these posts coming!

    • Anonymous

      Absolutely love all your fitness and nutrition tips you really know how to get the message across. I look forward to seeing your content in 2022 as that bikini shot shows my goals. Thanks again!

  • tracyhensel

    Thanks Lisa! I certainly will! Enjoy the rest of your weekend! xo

  • CJ

    Great post!!

    • tracyhensel

      Thank you CJ!!!

  • Lupe

    I’m 59 5’3″ have pressure, cholesterol, have had mini strokes. I must loose at least 15 lbs per my doc but don’t feel motivated due to really hard life right now.

    • tracyhensel

      I’m sorry! It is not easy to take weight off. when it comes to your health and having a thriving life in your golden years, however … it is necessary!! Good Luck

    • Mijani Agus

      Tip#1: have a regular 8 hour beauty sleep!
      May the Lord grant you His miraculous healing and refresh you with His brand new energy!

  • Silicone

    health with silicone implants. 🙂

    • tracyhensel

      Yes, Ma’am!!! I’m that girl!!!

  • Bridget

    Ms Tracy, you’re the best. I have learnt so much from your blog. I love reading them almost everyday , and sharing the info/ tips.Keep up the excellent work. Stay blessed. Bridget, O. Thank you.

    • tracyhensel

      Thank you Bridget! I appreciate your kind message of support! Have a great week!!!

  • Renia'

    I’m so glad I found you on You-Tube ! You have been such an inspiration to me. Please keep the videos coming . I hope you and your family have a wonderful & safe holiday.

  • Fitness

    Really a great insight. Thanks.

    • tracyhensel

      Thank you!

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