Floral Dresses For Fall

Floral Dresses For Fall

Floral Dresses For Fall

Daughters 4, 2 and 3 (Carly, Haley and McKenna). Carly just turned 16. She is a sophomore in high school. Haley is 20, and just started her third year of college. McKenna is 17. She is a senior in high school.

Floral Dresses For Fall

My beautiful, Carly Shaye – A pretty easy-breezy one, here. I think by the time you get to the fourth child, they just seem to go with the flow. Many times you don’t even know Carly is home. If you follow my Snapchat, Carly is the one singing and playing the piano in the background. I like sneaking up on her. I LOVE to listen to her play. Carly is my editor and assistant in all things computer and tech related. I put her through a lot! It doesn’t get any more tech-illiterate than her mother! Through it all, she is always smiling, happy, and is an all around great kid. Carly brightens my day, and anyone else she is around!

Floral Dresses For Fall

The hubby and I – Somehow we manage this big, bustling family. I often wonder ‘How we do it’ … just like the rest of you. Frankly, I don’t know, we just do. Having a backbone and a sense of humor are key. It also requires being a team! Read this blog post, here ….

Floral Dresses For Fall

Tim and Kirstyn – Kirstyn is my first born. She recently turned 23. She will be graduating from college in December, and starting grad school next fall. She’s the typical first born. Yes, both her father and I have pulled our hair out a few times with her attitude and typical ‘All about Me’ first born traits. That was mostly during middle and high school age. But now that she is a responsible adult and has lived through real life situations, that phase is all in the past. Kirstyn is a very high achiever, and is at a maturity level well beyond her age. I’m sure that comes with being the oldest of five. She has very high expectations of herself and others! That is exactly what her father and I expect from ALL our kids!!! Kirstyn does a lot of running for me, from grocery shopping and errands, to bill paying and family event planning. She is also a second mom to Chloe. I am very thankful for this, as I need the help. This is great, except for the occasional times where she tells me that I am too easy on Chloe. I have to remind Kirstyn, that unlike when I was raising her (in my young days), I am now old and tired. The fact that Chloe is the fifth child says something, doesn’t it? It is nice, however, to have a second mom in the house. I think every home needs two moms. One dad is plenty, but two moms … now we’re talking!

Tim is Kirstyn’s boyfriend. We love Tim and think of him as family. He has a daughter, Kaylee (pic below). She is 6 and is a bundle of energy. That kid is NEVER in a bad mood and never slows down. You can not possibly have a bad day when Kaylee is around. She changes the whole dynamics of a room the minute she is present. We all LOVE when Kaylee is with the family. Now only if we could bottle up her energy.

Floral Dresses For Fall

Trying to get a picture of all of us girls – patience and low-expectations is key!!!

Floral Dresses For Fall

We pulled it off!

Floral Dresses For Fall

These sisters – one word … beautiful!!! When I am out and about with these two ‘head-turners’, I throw out a lot of dirty looks. I always make sure I walk behind them. The girls are oblivious to the attention they receive (from not just boys … but MEN). It kills me!!!

McKenna is daughter #3 – she’s been an interesting one. But every house-hold has one (or two). Anyone who has coached her in sports or taught her in school would say the same thing …”McKenna is a tough nut to crack!!” That’s what we’ve always heard, and it’s the truth. It all started at birth, trust me. She keeps it interesting around our home. McKenna is very smart (naturally), and very hard-working and independent. I am thankful that although she is a senior in high school, she’s really been quite easy. She has never kept us on our toes, the way her older sisters did. we will see what senior year brings. McKenna is my personal shopper. If I need something for myself, or one of the family members, I tell her to find the item, order it and bill me … which she does, very promptly! McKenna also is my errand runner, decorator, and a GREAT cook .. along with her sister, Kirstyn. I love to cook, but I no longer need to… with those two!

Floral Dresses For Fall

Hal (Haley) – this one claims to be, ‘The Favorite Daughter’! Again … claims! It doesn’t get any more independent and feisty as this one. The best way to describe Haley is aggressive! Aggressive in life!!! She’s fast-tracking college, because she doesn’t have ‘time’ for school. She’s gotta go make money. She carries a heavy load semester-after-semester to get through this inconvenience of school … lol! Another very high achiever, to say the least. Laziness and lazy people are a waste of her time! Amen to that!!! Haley can pinch a penny so tight that it could bleed. If she spends $50, she is on a mission to make it back immediately! This kid will go far in life. Nothing will get in her way. If Haley ever works in sales, I am certain her competitors will NOT like her … with her cut-throat approach. Haley has been pretty easy-breezy, as well. But don’t think for a minute she won’t call your a$$ out!! She may have a little bit of her Grandpa Bob (or mother) in her!! lol You know what they say about the apple not falling far from the tree …

Floral Dresses For Fall

Workin’ on getting another family picture … the struggles!

Ahhh, Pips! Chloe Noelle – Daughter #5, the ‘Sassy Sister’! Can you tell by the look on her face that Kirstyn is Chloe’s 2nd mom? While I am casually standing over there, oblivious, unfazed, and perhaps, just used to it.

PIPS – another interesting child. Like I said, there’s always two! Never a dull moment with this one, and always on the go. Pips gets away with everything … or so I am told, by her sisters. She knows way too much for a 10 year old, going on 18. Cute as a button, uni-brow and all!! lol.. On the other hand, she’s a fifth child, she can take care of herself. Or so she likes to think. She’s a little sassy, and gets away with it. Her older sisters wouldn’t have given being sassy, a thought. Yes, Pips is Pips, enough said! She was our surprise baby, and has no problem holding that title … always keeping us full of surprises.

In fact, she is currently at Grandma and Papa’s house. She called me this morning to inform me that she went to the pet store with Grandma and Papa, and bought a frog and an aquarium to put it in. Again, the surprises never cease to amaze me.

Floral Dress For Fall

“We can do this! You stand here! I’ll stand there! This is my best side ….. move over!”

Floral Dresses For Fall

Whola!! Beautiful & Blessed!

Carly’s Dress: Charlotte Russe {on sale} | Haley’s 2-piece Dress: Forever 21 {old, purchased in March} | My Dress: ASOS in Petite and Tall / also love this one, here in a different color and on sale | McKenna’s Dress: {old} | Chloe’s Dress: Nordstrom | Kirstyn’s Dress: {old}

On me: Strapless Bra (in Pecan) | Shapewear (in Nude) | Shoes | Clutch {old} | Jewelry (Forever 21, in stores)

Floral Dresses For Fall

Floral Dresses For Fall

Floral Dresses For Fall

Floral Dresses For Fall

Floral Dresses For Fall

If you have been watching the Fall Trends for this year, you will see that Floral dresses are a hot item. Big floral print, little floral print, and anything in between. I LOVE it! Very feminine and lady-like. Ruffles are also a big trend…which leads me to this dress that I am wearing. It covers both areas (floral and ruffle). I love the color, the off-the-shoulder, and the fabric is very forgiving. For the price of this beauty, I am impressed with the quality. I love the length, as well as how it pencils down. This creates a very nice illusion to an hourglass shape and an eye-appealing look. I ordered a size 6, to ensure it would zip in the back with my bigger bust-line. The size 6 was perfect in the bust area. However, it is slightly big in the waist and hip area. I did not have a chance to get the dress altered, due to being on vacation. I have an appointment Friday with my seamstress to have those areas of the dress taken in, as this beauty will definitely be worn again!

I have an upcoming wedding at the end of September. I will be wearing this dress, here. It is also going to the tailor, Friday. Again, I ordered a size 6, for the bust area, and it is too big everywhere else. I wanted to get this dress information out to you, since it will not be in a blog post for another month. If you are in the market for some dresses, you may want to get going on these ASOS, beauties. ASOS notoriously goes in and out of stock on their items. They are a company where you have to check back daily for re-stocks. Worth the time, as the price is great, and their clothes are affordable and adorable.

Also, don’t forget about these two dress options below …

Floral Dresses For Fall

My Dress: Nordstrom (I made the mistake of ordering a 4. A size 6 would have been a better fir in the bust) | McKenna’s Dress: ASOS

Floral Dresses For Fall

Don’t forget, Ladies … always take your dress with you when tie shopping for the hubby (or boyfriend). It is all about HIM complementing YOU!!! Your look is key! He’s just there to compliment it!! Ok, and hold the door, carry your belongings, etc. etc. etc. …. lol

Have a great night!

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  • Raquel

    Oh Tracy, STUNNIG as usual! What a Beautiful family! As a mother of one girl (a special
    needs girl), they’re a blessing!
    Thanks so much for every single detail you put in your blog, and specially in your snapchat (I’m a big fan of yours!).
    I think you’re a wonderful mom and I’m sure all your girls would say the same!!!
    Hugs from Texas!

    • tracyhensel

      Thank you Raquel! Yes, you are right about that … they are a true BLESSING!! What a nice comment you left, I truly appreciate it. I am so thankful that you are enjoying my blog posts and recognize how much I put into it. When I am passionate about ‘something’ … or a product … I LOVE to share. Glad that you are enjoying Snapchat, as well. Hugs back, from Michigan!!! xo

  • Monica erre

    Beautiful family!!!!!

    • tracyhensel

      Thank You Monica! Have a Beautiful & Blessed Day, my lovely friend!!! xo

  • Jaymie Ashcraft

    Loving all the floral!! Such a beautiful family!

    • tracyhensel

      Thank you Jaymie! Bless you! Have a wonderful day! xo