My Favorite Nail Polish Colors For Fall

My Favorite NailPolish Colors for Fall

I am a nail polish junkie! Let’s face it. I get asked often about my nails and whether or not they are ‘real’. Yes, my nails are ‘real’. They are my nails. But yes, I do get some help with nail polish staying power. It’s called acrylic and without it, my polish comes right off.

Let me share my nail journey. The first time I ever got my nails done professionally, was for my wedding day. That was over 24 years ago. I continued to go every two weeks, after that. I went to the same nail technician every time. I started with acrylic, and continue to use that method, to this day. A few years later, after having my third daughter, McKenna, I stopped getting my nails done. I figured that after having the third child, I had to come to the realization that those little luxuries; like getting your nails done, probably needed to be put on hold. It was a good thing, because she was a handful. I have the pictures to prove it! I did not start getting my nails professionally done again, until several years later. At the age of 39 (I am 45, now), I started doing bikini competitions (fitness, not model). I needed to have well manicured nails for stage presence. Although I no longer do bikini competitions, I continued to get my nails done since then. I now go to a little, local nail salon in my community. It’s reasonably priced, and it’s walk-in. I like both of these features. I also have really gotten to know all of the technicians, including the owners and I adore them. I actually look forward to seeing everyone when I walk in the door. They all know me by name, and we all know bits of information about each other and our families. I stay loyal to their business. It is comfort and familitarity to me.

Fall nail polish shades are my favorite. I cannot say that these are ALL my favorites. Let’s be honest, everytime I go to the store, I see more and more polishes that I want. But these particular polishes have been my Fall Season go-to’s .. so why not share them with all of you. I ALWAYS take my own polish to the salon. I just prefer this method, because if I want to add an extra coat or do a touch-up, I have the freedom to do so. I also am more of a cream finish vs. a shimmery-finish type of gal. But, that doesn’t mean ALWAYS, just the majority of the time. Let’s face it, you can’t beat a shimmery Chanel polish.

My Favorite Nail Polish Colors for Fall

My Favorite Nail Polish Colors for Fall

I think that if your budget allows it … a luxury bottle of nail polish looks amazing not only on the nails, but your vanity, as well. For me, this Tom Ford Polish in Viper is a piece of beautiful decor, as well as perfection on the nails. This color is a rich, purple shade. I love that it is dark, but you can still tell that it is purple. Another purple one that I have and love is Sally Hansen’s ‘Pat On The Black’. This is a popular shade and for good reason. Bear in mind, unless you are looking closely .. it will appear black. Both of these purples are worth picking up.

My Favorite Nail Polish Colors for Fall

My Favorite Nail Polish Colors for Fall

I will NEVER get sick of these three Essie polishes: Wicked, Bordeaux , and In the Lobby. Pick up any of those three, or all. You won’t be sorry. They will take you from Fall-to-winter and be your favorites .. year-after-year.My Favorite Nail Polish Colors for Fall

My Favorite Nail Polish Colors for Fall

Tiramisu For Two My perfect nude. I always wear this polish when I want a smooth transition from hand-to-nail. It’s my go-to polish when I am dressed up and want an elegant nail. Many people do a ‘french manicure’ or pink-tips’. Not me! I do this! It’s all personal preference. This is MY dressy nail!

My Favorite Nail Polish Colors for Fall

My Favorite Nail Polish Colors for Fall

Dope Taupe I love this gray-taupe shade. It’s unique and not a color that I had in my collection. I also really like the ‘China Glaze’ formula.

My Favorite Nail Polish Colors for Fall

My Favorite Nail Polish Colors for Fall

Liv in the Gray Love this gray shade from the Kerry Washington for O.P.I. Collection

My Favorite Nail Polish Colors for Fall

My Favorite Nail Polish Colors for Fall

My Favorite Nail Polish Colors for Fall

Regal Rose’ such a pretty pearly pink, and another great polish formula

My Favorite Nail Polish Colors For Fall

My Favorite Nail Polish Colors for Fall

My Favorite Nail Polish Colors for Fall

Kerry Blossom another great one by the ‘Kerry Washington’ for O.P.I. Collections. On the nails, or on the toes, this is probably the most beautiful berry shade I have ever laid eyes on.

My Favorite Nail Polish Colors for Fall

My Favorite Nail Polish Colors for Fall

Fur Green another luxury polish in a color that screams, ME!!! I love everything about this blue-tone green. This color really got noticed. I had a lot of people ask me what color this was.

My Favorite nail Polish Colors for Fall

Big Shiny Top Coat this has been my go-to all throughout the fall season

Don’t forget that if you want to see ALL of my nail polish colors, I always Instagram them. Just go to Instagram and type in #WhatsOnTracysNails and all my nail pictures will come up … including the ones that you see here.

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  • Naomi

    Ooh I am with you! I relate to everything about this post today. Thanks for some new yummy colors to be obsessed with! ❤️️

    • tracyhensel

      Your most welcome, Naomi! Have a nice weekend!! xo

      • Tina Preston

        Lovely colors adorable toes. I love plum colors and deep reds on my toes in the fall.xoxoxo Tina P

  • Monica erre

    Yes i love nails polish!!!…and fall colors!😍😍

    • tracyhensel

      I am with you, Monica!!! Have a nice weekend!! xo

  • Lisa

    Sorry I’m almost two months behind with catching up with you. I’ve always admired your nails, and I read on your Instagram comments today exactly how your nail tech does them. My question is, when you change your polish, do the remover not bother or mess up the overlay and what remover do you use? Thanks!

    • tracyhensel

      That’s okay, Lisa! I completely understand! Yes, when I change polishes, I can experience some ‘smooth texture loss’ ..if that makes sense. If I have a re-polish done at he salon, I do not experience any issues. But, if I do the polish change on my own, I do. I believe it is because I use an acetone remover and acetone will remove everything. I prefer acetone, because you don’t have to work as hard to remove polish. I can not speak for what a non-acetone would do. I hope this was helpful. Happy Holiday Season to you! Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving!! xo