Fall + Halloween Decor | Home Tour


DECOR ITEMS SHOW (or suggestions)


Coffee Table Books I LOVE

Stay tuned for My Christmas Planning + Budgeting Video (w/ GIVEAWAY), as well as my Christmas – Holiday Decor Tour.


Necklace | Earrings | Lip Pencil (Rose) | Lipstick (Pink Taupe) | Lip Gloss (Sweet Heart)

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  • Meryl

    Loved this, Tracey! Your home is gorgeous- I love that it’s decorated and beautiful but still home-y and anyone feels like they could relax there.
    I have 2 unrelated blog post and/or video suggestions. 1 being: what is your favorite workout apparel ?(head-to-toe)
    And 2: if you could share about you and your husband’s decision to have a large family, pros and ‘cons’, advice to a young moms. My husband and I have a 3 yr old and 2 yr old and always wanted a larger family, but some days I definitely question that! Haha!

    Thanks for your time!

  • Lisa Wilson

    Really enjoyed the tour! I am inspired to get my decorations out of storage. I used to decorate when the kids were home, and the youngest is now a senior and I have gotten lazy! It IS fun. Our weather just turned to cooler (in the Northwest, where forest fire smoke has been a struggle) and it rained today, yahoo! Happy Fall, y’all! Blessings ~

    • tracyhensel

      Hi Lisa! We have had extremely high temps in Michigan .. for this time of the year. Close to 90 degrees. The leaves are starting to fall, however. It is starting to look like Fall. Next week, it will be in the 50’s. Thank you for sharing! Have a great weekend!!

  • Michelle Wortham

    Tracy, I would like to see how you store and organize all of your decorations.

    • Lisa Wilson

      Yes! Please! Great suggestion~

      • tracyhensel

        Hi Lisa! I did reply to Michelle’s request and I also talked about that question on Snapchat, today. Please be sure to check out my reply.

    • tracyhensel

      Hi Michelle! I did mention how I store my decorations … in the video. The only part left out, was where we store the tubs. That would be in the basement. I will show how they are stacked … on Snapchat. Each for that to come, the week after Halloween.

      • Michelle Wortham

        Thanks Tracy. I did see your Snapchat and the color bins are a great idea.

        • tracyhensel

          Hi Michelle! Wonderful! Glad you got the info.

  • Brooke

    Was noticing, beautiful elocution. You could do radio/announcer work. Do I hear a slight accent? Wonder where are you from originally? I’m a new subscriber (possibly with a case of “fangirl” coming on, not sure as it has never happened to me before lol..) As it stands, I continue to be enchanted. Keep up the good work! Best ~
    P.S. top of my head, I want to say Conneticut. Close? 😉 Thx

    • tracyhensel

      Hi Brooke! Thank you! I am born, raised and still living in Michigan. I heard from a fellow follower, that Michigan accents sound like ‘Yankees’ … lol. Very cute, but certainly does not sound very educated. Thank you so much for your very kind message. Enjoy your weekend!!