Ultimate Detox Bath Soak

Detox Bath

There are plenty of detox bath remedies out there for many different ailments. The detox bath I have been using for years is great because it can be used to remedy a bad cold, a bad diet, or even a bad night of partying. I thought my ‘January Jump-start’ series was a perfect time to introduce you to this detox bath.  A detox bath is one of the easiest healing therapies we can do to facilitate our body’s natural detoxification system. In this day and age, our bodies are subject to more toxins than ever. It’s also that time of year where it seems everyone is either sick or on the verge of getting sick. Blame it on the stale air floating around those airplane rides home from holiday vacations or co-workers bringing it in to the office, but either way, it’s out there! Whether it’s been a year of nothing but processed food in your diet, or you’re dealing with the nasty crud, whatever your ailment, I have just the thing to help you get back on your feet and feeling better in no time.

A Detox Bath.

Detox Bath

As a health-nut I hate to admit this, but I’m a skeptic about many of the ‘home remedies’ out there. But take it from me – this one is a keeper! Whatever my reasoning for taking this detox bath is, my symptoms actually subside and I feel better by the next day. The ingredients below facilitate the elimination of toxins which cleanse the liver, kidneys, and thyroid. In other words: it gets that cold over quicker, and helps facilitate the healing of those organs that we’ve put through the ringer with all the toxins that consistently enter the body.

Detox Bath

How does it work?

Sulfate is in Epsom salt and baking soda. When absorbed in the skin, it rids the body of toxins we pick up from pollution and processed foods. I add ginger to enhance the detox process, because it has anti-mucus properties, is a natural decongestant, and opens up the pores. Just a little word to the wise: the ginger in this detox bath will make you sweat your ass off! Luckily for us, that’s a good thing. Sweating is one of the best (and cheapest) ways to detoxify, and if you don’t have access to a sauna, this is a fantastic alternative. Another bonus: it’s a powerful antioxidant with potent anti-inflammatory properties, so it’s amazing for your skin as well.

A few words of advice before getting started:

If you’ve never done this before, I’d say that 20 minutes is plenty. With the added ginger, the bath will cause you to sweat more than usual and it will feel quite hot. Any longer might be too intense for a newbie. Also, don’t feel badly if you can’t stay totally submerged the entire time. Honestly, I move around a lot and try to distract myself with reading so I can stay in long enough to get all the benefits it promises. That being said, I have to reiterate, you will sweat! Even after you get out of the bath, you’ll probably continue to sweat (a lot) for the next hour or two, so wear light clothes or a towel so you can easily change. Just like you would after a massage or sauna treatment, drink plenty of water afterwards.

I cannot stress enough, this is an intense treatment. I even have my kids do this if they have a bad cold. If you weigh less than 120 pounds, add less Epsom salt and ginger. Conversely, if you weigh more than 175 pounds, add a bit more to your comfort level. I strongly discourage this detox bath, if you’re pregnant.

Detox Bath

What’s your favorite go-to home remedy for a good old fashion detox or cold? Please share in the comment section below. I would like to encourage you to scroll, not only through mine, but other bloggers comment sections. You can get some of your greatest tips and advice from utilizing that tool. We are a community of helping one another. Let’s make the best of 2016 by opening ourselves up and sharing our personal gifts, as well as welcoming the gifts others bring to this health-driven circle.

If you are looking for other ways to hit the detox button this new year, please check out this blog post and this blog post.

5.0 from 1 reviews
Detox Bath
A therapeutic detoxifying bath to induce sweat and improve circulation. The ingredients in this bath facilitate the elimination of toxins which cleanse the liver, kidneys, and thyroid.
Recipe type: Detoxification
  • 1 cup epsom salt
  • ½ c. baking soda (yes, the kind you keep in the fridge)
  • 4 T. ground ginger (more or less depending on your tolerance)
  • 15 to 20 drops of essential oils of choice (I always use lavender, and pair it with at least one other. I like ylang ylang, tea tree, and eucalyptus.
  1. Fill your bathtub with hot water - as hot as you can tolerate it. Once it fills about half way, sprinkle in your ingredients and give it a few big stirs with your hand to help it all dissolve.
  2. Once it's full, get in and submerge yourself to your neck.
  3. Soak for at least 20 minutes. but you can stay as long as 40 minutes. The first 20 minutes is to extract toxins while the second 20 minutes is when the body begins to absorb the minerals.
  4. Once you're out, simply towel off and rest for about 30 minutes before showering.
Do NOT do this detox every day, but instead once or twice a week and build to three times a week from there if you want to do so.


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  • Keri Thomas

    Can’t wait to try this! I have the Dr. Teal’s Epsom Salts however want to try this detox recipe. Great jump start to the New Year. Thanks for sharing ♡

    • tracyhensel

      You’re welcome, Keri! I don’t take the time to do this bath, as often as I’d like. But boy, do I feel great after. Happy New Year to you!!! xo

  • Rebecca

    Love it! Thanks again for sharing. Great job on the blog.

    • tracyhensel

      Thank You Rebecca! Glad you liked it and appreciate your feedback. Happy New Year!

  • Donna Paul

    I am getting married January 31st and I love the idea of having a detox period!! Thanks for the ideas and tips…I am going to incorporate them over the next few weeks :0

    • tracyhensel

      Donna, that is great news. I wish you the best as you prepare over this next month. It’s always great to have an incentive for a special event … such as your wedding. Keep me posted on how incorporating some of these methods goes for you.

  • Leigh Peterson

    I did this last night…..it felt great! I’m not normally a bath person, but plan on doing it more this year. So relaxing!

    • tracyhensel

      Super, Leigh! Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for sharing!

  • Gina

    What is the measurement for ginger , you said 4. T, what does T stands for,

  • Melanie Mailloux

    Hey, you mention 4 T of ginger, not sure what the T stands for: teaspoon, tablespoon, ?

    • Vonni

      Big T equals Tablespoon. Small t equals teaspoon in regular cooking measurements.