Cursing & Cussing at your Children | Answering Your Facebook Question

I recently stumbled across a post on Facebook that inspired me to share on this topic. In the video, I am answering a parenting question and I am talking about cursing, using foul language or using particular words either directly at our children or in front of our children directed towards others: spouse, family members, etc. Examples: calling your child stupid, idiot or telling them to shut up.



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  • Rachel Whitham

    Thank you for today’s thoughts. I do try to follow this principle. But it’s always good to revisit and learn things again. I absolutely love your videos thank you. Please keep us on our toes!

  • Sandi

    Hi Tracy, and sincere thanks for bringing up this vital topic. Yes, children are like sponges, and absorb what they hear and see. Foul language and hurtful words are like rusty daggers in a person’s heart. On the flip side of the coin, nothing improves a person’s hearing better than genuine praise. If we look for something good in everyone we encounter, we will find it.
    Have a blessed week!