Winter Hand Care

Winter Hand Care

If you live in a state that has brutal winters, you are well aware of the havoc it wreaks on your skin. It is near impossible to keep all areas of the body protected from the elements, at all times. As much as we try, our hands cannot always be snuggled up in a pair of $100 fur or cashmere lined tech gloves. As a matter-of-fact, my hands have NEVER been snuggled up in a pair of $100 cashmere or fur lined gloves, even as a try on. As much as I lose gloves, which is usually one glove and not the other, I better stick to Dollar General. There are measures, however, you can take to ‘Care for Winter Hands’.

5 Tips to Care for Winter Hands

1.  Drink Plenty of Water … Sometimes you have to force this, as you may find you’re not as thirsty during cold weather months. Aim to drink half your body weight in ounces (ex., if you weigh 140lbs., drink approx. 70 oz. of water, per day). If you struggle getting your water in, here’s a tip – Take an empty clean milk jug, pour (in ounces) the water recommended for your body weight, mark it with a permanent marker, and work off of that, refilling each day. Eventually you won’t need to do this, anymore. Your thirst will naturally require it.

2.  Humidify The Air … To put moisture back in, humidify the air inside your house. A GREAT way to do this is by placing a plate of water near heaters. You can use Rose Water that also fills the air with a delicate scent and works as aromatherapy. This simple measure will prevent your skin, including the skin of your hands from over-drying.

Winter Hand Care

3.  Moisturize Your Hands … Several times a day, use a hand cream to nourish and moisturize the skin on your hands. Really work it in, especially the often neglected top of your hands. Avoid using hand creams that contain petroleum. Petroleum just sits on the skin, which does not provide any hydration. My absolute favorite daytime hand cream is by L’Occitane. Any surprise? All of the scents smell AMAZING and work the same. But I am never without my favorite, Delicious hands. I have tubes everywhere from my car, to my purse, and all over the house. As for my bedtime hand cream, my favorite is the Burt’s Bees Almond Milk Beeswax Hand Creme. I have tried many others, but always go back to my tried and true. I have to warn you, however, only use this product at bedtime. It is much too greasy for daytime use. I keep a jar in the drawer of my bedside table. If waking up with baby soft hands is what you’re looking for, this stuff ROCKS!

4.  Wear Rubber Gloves When Doing House Work … Always wear Rubber Gloves while washing dishes, and especially so in the winter. Overexposure to both water and harsh chemicals in dish-washing liquids draws natural moisture and lubrication out of your hands. For the same reason, do not wash your hands too often, unless you work in a health care setting. When washing your hands, use tepid water. Hot water will only dry out your hands more.

5.  Wear Gloves … The skin of our hands is thin, delicate, and often dry, this is why it is the first to suffer from cold winds, frost, and dry heated air inside our homes. The most important hand protection from winter elements is as simple as just to wear gloves! Make it a good habit to wear warm gloves or mittens every time you go outside, even if it is just to check the mail or get into a car. This measure is especially important if your hand skin is dry and irritated.

Winter Hand Care

What are some of your favorite hand products for the winter months?

Rose Water  //  L’Occitane Delicious Hand Cream or from Amazon  //   Burt’s Bees Almond Milk Beeswax Hand Creme 

What do you think?

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  • Kellyann Rohr

    I just ordered both products and I cannot wait to try them. Thank goodness for Amazon Prime!

  • tracyhensel

    Great news Kellyann! You won’t be sorry! We are big Amazon Prime people, as well!

  • Edna Cabral

    Hi Tracy,

    I went ahead and ordered the L”occitane and when I go to my pharmacy this week I’ll pick up the Burt Bee’s and give it a try as well. I love the smell of almond so I am sure I’m going to love them. Another two that I used are Mario Badescu Special Hand Cream with Vitamin E. You can get this one at Nordstrom, or Ulta. I use it at night. Really good. I jut replenished it. The one during the day I use it’s Ahava Mineral Hand Cream. Really nice line too. I get this one at Nordstrom or Ulta. Thanks again for your post.
    Stay warm, it’s cold here in Illinois as well. Xo-Edna

  • tracyhensel

    Great news, Edna! You’ll love the L’Occitane. Let me know what you think of the Burt’s Bees. The products you mentioned sound nice. I will have to give them a try. It is bitter here as I’m sure it is there. I am trying to stay in as much as I can. Thanks for your comment. Have a wonderful afternoon!! xo

  • Lucy Ladley - Luscious Fibers

    I love L’Occitane hand cream. I used the Almond Delicious Hands today while I was on my walk. I love luscious natural fibers when I knit. Merino is one of my favorite fibers. Wonderful wool not only keeps us in luxurious comfort, it can pull too much moisture out of our hands when we are knitting with it. (Unless, it is raw wool with all the lanolin still in it. – Just a qualifier for any purists that read this.) Oooops, I went on a verbal rabbit trail… bad habit…. Back to my intent – I love keeping my hands moisturized & my favorite mittens are my hand knit ones. Having soft skin helps us feel happy! .

    • tracyhensel

      Thanks for sharing, Lucy. Interesting facts about different fibers that I certainly wasn’t aware of, Blessings, my friend!