Blue Lagoon and Bar Louie

Blue Lagoon and Bar Louie

Blue Lagoon and Bar Louie


Top: Ribbed Cami (check out that price!!!)

Jeans: Joe’s or Marlie / less expensive options from: H & M / other H & M / Articles of Society / another Articles of Society / Plus Size

Shoes: old, similar options / Jenny / Joan & David

Sunglasses: Coach

Self Tanning Products: in this blog post, here

Blue Lagoon and Bar Louie

Blue Lagoon and Bar Louie

I went out a couple nights ago with a dear friend. She started out as a client, but our relationship became much more than that over the several years that she trained with me.

We are both extremely busy. She owns her own business, as well. And hers is way more demanding, and less flexible than mine. She also cares for her elderly mother. On the other hand, I have five kids to make up a lot of the difference. With our crazy schedules, it is always a challenge for us to set on a date and time to meet. I think we ran approx. 8-10 dates by each other, before we settled on this past Monday night. Even then, we only met for a couple. When I say couple – couple hours, couple drinks. But who’s keeping track?

This is the outfit that I wore. It was perfect for a little Bar Louie – Happy Hour run. If you recall, I have shared my color palette with you on Snapchat, a few times. This ‘Blue Lagoon’ color is right up there at the top of the chart for my most flattering colors. You already know that I love these white denim. You can see more of them in this blog post, here and here . But I love this top, as well! Flattering colors make me happy!

As for Happy Hour, let’s face it, who can afford cocktails at Bar Louie any other time than Happy Hour? Drives me nuts! The fact that the Happy Hour glasses are smaller, just kills me! How happy is that?

A Lot of you have asked me where my husband and I got our color palettes designed at. We had them done about 20 years ago at a local boutique that is no longer in business. Whether or not I am wearing one of my colors – I am a ‘Dynamic Winter’, it is a great tool to keep on hand for those times that you clearly want to wear your most flattering shades. I have also shared with you, that if I am not wearing one of my flattering shades, I make sure that my makeup is done in colors that give a lot of life to my face. This may be, when I will play with colored eyeshadows to compensate for the lackluster coloring to my skintone. I talk more about this in a blog post, here . If you are looking to get your color swatching done, I suggest you google and try to find a boutique or personal representative in your area. I am sure a wardrobe stylist would provide such a service. I don’t recall, but I am sure it would be pricy, however worth it. Your flattering colors should never change, so it’s a useful tool to reference back to. I also would like to recommend a book that has been around forever. It will teach you how to figure out you flattering colors on your own and will provide you with color swatches to go off of. You could rip those pages out, laminate them, and take them shopping with you. Head over to snapchat this evening and I will show more of the book. You can purchase it here: Color Me Beautiful by JoAnne Richmond. You can also see more of this book in my blog post titled, Great Style Has No Age. My mom has the 1st Edition of ‘Color Me Beautiful‘, which was by Carole Jackson . I remember borrowing it from her before purchasing my edition. I have never ventured out and purchased this particular newer book on color and style, but I have often wondered how it compared.  It is a more recent publication. and by a different author. It’s called, Color Your Style by David Zyla. Let me know if any of you have read it.

Enjoy your Evening and make it a happy one!

Blue Lagoon and Bar Louie

Blue Lagoon and Bar Louie

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  • Gracie

    If I know I will be wearing an unflattering color, I will self tan and that usually does the trick!

    • tracyhensel

      Very much agreed, Gracie! Makes a big difference, doesn’t it? Thanks for contributing your input! Have a fantastic day and upcoming holiday weekend! xx

  • Lucy Ladley - Luscious Fibers

    Tracy, the Teal & White Combination on you is vibrant & stunning! As a knitter, I love color & texture. Before I knit a sweater I have to hold the color options in the yarn that I have chosen up to a mirror that is near natural light, before making my purchase. Good knitting yarn can be quite pricey and that added with the many hours it take to create a sweater means choosing the best colors for my complexion is huge. I have used natural light & personal instinct as my guide up to this point. But it will be fun to check out the recommended books. Many Thanks Tracy!

    • tracyhensel

      Thank you Lucy! I love your method for choosing yarn colors. I utilize ‘natural’ light for many things. I generally will not purchase a department store makeup item until I have went out into natural light to get color accuracy. Often with clothing and accessories, I will put outfit options together in natural lit areas to make sure the colors and tones compliment one another. I loved your input on this! Thank you … it’s always appreciated. Have a lovely day and a beautiful weekend, as well! xx