Anti-Aging A.M. Skincare Routine

Anti-Aging A.M. Skincare Routine

When it comes to our skin, it is inevitable, we are all going to age and at some point get fine lines and wrinkles. There are two major factors that play a big role in the quality of our skin – Genetics and Lifestyle. One you can control, the other you can’t. I truly believe first and foremost, when it comes to great skin, if you are blessed with parents who have great skin … God Love ya .. that’s a Godsend. The rest of it comes from environmental factors: getting plenty of sleep, not smoking, protection against the sun and not using tanning beds. But it doesn’t stop there. It should come as no surprise that diet plays a huge role. It is important that you are eating a well-balanced diet rich in antioxidants, omega 3 fatty acids and heart-healthy fats, and exercising to oxygenate the blood. All of these components can make or break how great the skin is going to look, now and in the future. This should come first and foremost before any Anti-Aging Skincare Routine. If you aren’t making good lifestyle choices NOW, you will have a hard time seeing results from the products that you are purchasing with your hard, earned money! Remember – It’s never too early, or too late to start.

For myself, when it comes to good genes, I really don’t know, because my parents were sun worshippers. Who wasn’t during that generation? My mom, by choice. My dad, by trade … as he always had a job where he worked outside in the elements. They also were big smokers. Neither prescribe to those lifestyle choices these days, but they for sure have paid the price when it comes to their skin.

I did grow up with cystic acne and have the scars to prove it. As for my environmental choices, I am on ‘The Plan’! I take very good care of myself, both internally and externally. Although I am aging and losing volume in areas, as well as getting wrinkles, the quality of my skin is still pretty good. It’s because of my lifestyle, and an aggressive ‘Anti-Aging A.M. Skincare Routine’, as well as a P.M. one – which we will get into later.

It is important that before I share my regime, I share with you what my skin type and conditions are:

  • Extremely Oily
  • Resistant
  • Aging

I strongly encourage you to follow every ‘step’ to my ‘Anti-Aging A.M. Skincare Routine’ But it’s always important to consider a person’s skin-type, when thinking of products to use.

Anti-Aging A.M. Skincare Routine


I use one of two face cleansers in the morning with my Clarisonic. I keep both products in my shower. If I am not showering in the morning, because I showered in the evening, I will still grab my clarisonic and one of these two cleansers to get my skin cleaned and prepped for the day:

The Microdelivery Exfoliating Wash by Philosophy – I have used this cleanser for years, and love it. Always a repurchase for me. I generally pick up a large bottle during the Ulta or Sephora Friends and Family Sale during late fall. That is all I need to supply my stash for the year. I have a mini bottle of this cleanser that I continue to refill and keep in my shower.I love all things exfoliating!! And when you’re into anti-aging, the more exfoliating, the better. This cleanser has a nice, gritty texture. It is not like your typical exfoliating cleansers. It has a somewhat gel-type consistency with very fine exfoliating beads in it. It lathers nicely, but not foamy. It’s gentle, and works amazingly with or without a Clarisonic. I won’t be without this cleanser.

Vitablast C Scrub & Mask This product was sent to me for review, several months back. I LOVE it!!! You are familiar with how much I love and encourage the use of active ingredients when it comes to your skincare regime. Vitamin C is an excellent active ingredient to use on your skin in the a.m., and this cleanser/mask provides just what you need. Perfect for my mid-forty aged skin. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and provides a brightening element to your skin. This product also has seabuckthorn, papaya and yacon. It also has zilch of the bad stuff in it (parabens, sulfates, pinthalayes, fragrances and dyes). Also, it is not tested on animals. So you natural ‘green’ beauties will really like this.

Anti-Aging A.M. Skincare Routine


Vitamin C Balancing Toner  by Avalon Organics – Again, bring on the Vitamin C! More brightening and more anti-aging. I’ve used this in the a.m. for years, and it does the trick.

When using a toner, I prefer the 100% cotton, exfoliating rounds.

Anti-Aging A.M. Skincare Routine


C E Ferulic by SkinCeuticals – More and more Vitamin C. And more and more active ingredients. Again, another product that I have used religiously for years. Many of you probably have heard of this product. It is very popular amongst the ‘older’ YouTube and Blogger Babes. It’s a great serum for us ladies that are getting slightly older, smarter, and better with time. If you are looking for an aggressive approach to anti-aging, look no further than this product. An alternative to the C E Ferulic is another Vitamin C serum. I have really been loving the ‘m-61’ products that were sent to me for review. They have a Vitamin C Serum that I have been eager to try. I don’t know if I will, because as you know, if a product is doing what it claims to do; I’m pretty loyal, and don’t tend to venture out to purchasing anything new. My C E Ferulic has been working, so I guess we will see. I purchase the C E Ferulic in the Travel Sample Box. I have always done and preferred this.

Anti-Aging A.M. Skincare Routine


Redermic {C} Eyes Anti-Wrinkle Firming Concentrate – I never neglect the eye area. I started using an eye cream (Estee Lauder) when I was nineteen years old, and have never looked back. I truly believe this has made a world of difference.

You better believe I am incorporating Vitamin C, again. Are you seeing a pattern here? At some point, I will do a blog post on the benefits of using the active ingredient, Vitamin C, in your ‘a.m.’ skincare. I don’t recommend Vitamin C products for your p.m. skincare routine, however. Save your Retinoids and glycolic acids for that.

I have used many eye creams since my nineteen-year old days. I loved many. However, for ease of application, I really prefer my eye cream to come in a tube. Many creams & gels, do not. I feel like the product lasts longer and it’s easier to get it on your finger and apply. This eye performer covers all the bases … Good stuff!!!

Anti-Aging A.M. Skincare Routine


Vichy Idealia Life Serum – Okay, this is where it gets a little different for this ‘oily-skinned’ girl. I don’t use a moisturizer on my face in the a.m. I have tried many (oil-free), and have not been pleased over the long-haul. This doesn’t break my heart or leave me searching for a moisturizer that will work under my make-up, and I’ll tell you why. What I do use and love, is actually another serum. I love the ‘Vichy’ line all together. This serum acts like a lightweight moisturizer under makeup, but performs like a serum. It has the texture and consistency of a lightweight moisturizer. But it is very silky on the skin, and I love that. Another repurchase I make every year during Friends & Family.

Anti-Aging A.M. Skincare Routine

MOISTURIZER (Neck area, only)

Vichy LiftActiv Night I LOVE this stuff!!! This product is actually the night version. They have a daytime version that I have heard is great. But, in my case with the oily-skin, that is just too much moisture. However, If you have dry-to-normal skin, you could easily get the day cream and use it on your face and neck for a.m moisturizer. In the evening, use the night cream for the same purpose. When I do a blog post on my ‘P.M. Skincare Routine’, you will see that I apply this to my entire face and neck area … in the evening, instead of just the neck. I can get away with the extra moisture overnight.

Anti-Aging A.M. Skincare Routine


La Roche-Posay Effaclar BB Blur – Due to my oily skin, I do not use a Sunscreen product under my makeup. That is an oil-slick waiting to happen. However, I do use a primer for oily skin that has an SPF of 20. This has been my favorite for some time. The texture of this is more like a mousse. There is also a slight tint, so you get a little coverage. You are left with a nice and smooth finish for your foundation application.

Anti-Aging A.M. Skincare Routine

CeraVe Sunscreen Broad Spectrum Face – On the other hand, if I am going to be working outside, exercising or going for a run, I will use a good sunblock. I would never wear this under makeup, but for other purposes, nothing is getting through this product. When choosing sun protection, look for ones that are water-resistant, have an SPF of 30 or more, and provide broad-spectrum coverage that blocks both UVA and UVB rays.

Anti-Aging A.M. Skincare Routine

Anti-Aging From the Inside

  • Water – Drink plenty of quality water. Aim for at least half your bodyweight in ounces, per day.
  • Lemon-Ginger Detox – Incorporating this morning ritual has many benefits. You can read about those benefits in this blog post, here –  more vitamin C, for starters.
  • Drinking Tea – Mint, white and green tea are powerful antioxidants. Look for all-natural teas, sans fragrance and flavoring.
  • Healthy Fats – When it comes to your ‘Clean Eating Regime’, don’t neglect your good fats for better quality skin. These include: EFA’s (essential fatty acids). You need both Omega 3’s and Omega 6 in your diet. Just to name a few: Omega 3: Salmon, walnuts, flaxseed, chia seeds and pastured eggs. Omega 6: olive and coconut oils, seeds, nuts, grains, leafy vegetables and my favorite, avocado.

Clarisonic Mia 2 | The Microdelivery Exfoliating Face Wash 8 oz., also comes in 4 oz. and 16 oz. | m-61 Vitablast C Scrub & Mask | Avalon Organics Vitamin C renewal Balancing Toner | Cotton Rounds | La Roche-Posay Redermic {C} Eyes Anti-Wrinkle Firming Concentrate | C E Ferulic | Travel Size C E Ferulic| M-61 Vitamin C SerumVichy Idealia Life Serum | Vichy LiftActiv Night | La Roche-Posay Effaclar BB Blur | CeraVe Sunscreen Broad Spectrum Face

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  • Lucy Ladley - Luscious Fibers

    Thank You Tracy for sharing this helpful information on face care. All the links to products are very helpful as well.

  • tracyhensel

    Thank you Lucy! I loved bringing it. Although, I LOVE my make-up, nothing compares to my love for skincare and POWERHOUSE products. I do have some things I want to share on snapchat today or tomorrow, as well … that goes along with this post. Stay tuned! Have a great day! xo

  • Dina

    Tracy, I have a product you might be interested in. It’s by Coola and it’s a makeup settin spray with SPF. So you’d still get the SPF without having to wear it under your makeup. Am looking forward to the Vitamin C post?

    • tracyhensel

      Thanks again, Dina .. for sending my way!

  • Gracie

    Vichy products are some of my favorites. Soothing and moisturizing after treatments. Glad you like them too.

    • tracyhensel

      Yes, I am a loyal fan, Gracie! And for good reason! Thanks for sharing!! xo

  • Zoe Rafols

    Hi Tracy,

    Good afternoon I just wanted to let you know that Walgreens (in Dlorida) through the month of February has their skincare products buy 2 get the third free I just purchased the Vichy liftactiv night, la Roche posay redermic c and the idealia life serum for under $100.00 for all 3. Just thought I would share. Have a great day.

    • tracyhensel

      Thanks for that information, Zoe. Good information to know. Great for stocking up. I will be sure to check my local Walgreens. xx

  • BeautyKneen

    HiI also agree with you) This is so)
    Thanks Who used this bbcream? ???

  • Gracie Lou

    Have you ever tried avenue products made from healing spring waters? I love their products and it is for sensitive skins. Makes my face feel awesome.

    • tracyhensel

      Hi Gracie! Thank you for the suggestion. I have not tried the products mentioned. I am actually the opposite. I have resistance skin. It is so nice because I can get away with the big powerhouse ingredients that really do the job. Hopefully if someone with sensitive skin sees this … they can give it a try! have a great day!!