Aloe Vera Juice Benefits

Aloe Vera Juice

Though not one food, juice, or supplement can single-handedly change your health, there may be some scientific basis for Aloe Vera Juices new-found following. I’m kind of shocked Aloe Vera Juice is just now getting some ‘hype’. I’ve been swigging shots of Aloe Vera Juice for years. But I’m not exactly your trends, fads, or latest and greatest type of girl.

What are the benefits of drinking Aloe Vera Juice, anyway? Aloe Vera contains internal benefits to the body. This juice contains leaf pulp that is rich in natural nutrients and fiber. Aloe Vera Juice is packed with vitamins, including vitamins B, C, and vitamin E, as well as folic acid, which fortifies the bodies immune system. Aloe Vera is anti-inflammatory and rich in antioxidants, which helps protect our cells from free-radicals in the environment. Aloe Vera contains anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties that aid the immune system to cleanse the body of toxins and invading pathogens. One thing you should notice after incorporating Aloe Vera Juice into your supplementation rotation, is an improvement in your skin.

Additional Aloe Vera Juice Benefits:

  • Helps with dry skin
  • Helps promote healing of Psoriasis
  • Supports normal muscle and joint function
  • Decreases irritation and enhances healing and repair of ulcers
  • Decrease inflammation in irritable bowl syndrome, colitis, and other gut disorders
  • Increases healthy bacteria in the intestines that aid digestion
  • Helps balance the immune system to reduce the effects of seasonal allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, and other inflammatory immune disorders
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Decrease total fat levels in people with high cholesterol
  • Helps to reduce fatty deposits and blood clots in the arteries of the heart and body
  •  May improve cholesterol level in diabetes sufferers

How much and when: it is recommended you drink 1-2 oz. or up to 9 oz. daily. You can take it anytime of day, with or without food. I drink 2 oz. every morning about 30 minutes prior to my first meal.

I hope you found this information on benefits of Aloe Vera Juice to be informative. If you missed my post on benefits of Milk Thistle for liver support, you can read that here. Please leave a comment below indicating what supplement you would like to see my next blog post to be on.

Aloe Vera Juice: Lily of the desert from Vitamin World or Amazon

Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor, nor am I registered dietitian. The opinions expressed in this blog post reflect my personal experience and ongoing investigations into functional conditions related to everyday health and nutrition.

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  • Monica erre

    Great product!

    • tracyhensel

      Yes it certainly is, Monica! Glad you agree. Have a wonderful Tuesday!

  • Erika J.

    I love pure aloe Vera juice & have it everyday as well. I tend to like to add some to a large bottle of water with a little lemon juice & organic stevia which I think tastes great. I’m glad you’re hitting on these of the supplements individually 🙂

    • tracyhensel

      That sounds like a nice mixer, Erika. Thanks for sharing … may have to give it a try sometime. I know how anxious everyone is on me doing a blog post on my supplements. But it would be too much information to do in one post and really be able to give thorough details on each one. I think this gives a nice resource to back to. Thanks for your comment. Have a lovely day.

  • Jennifer

    Started it today! Thanks for the info. Would love to hear about more supplements.

    • tracyhensel

      That’s great Jennifer! Thanks for sharing. And more supplements coming … stay tuned.

  • Amanda

    What does it taste like?

    • tracyhensel

      Aloe Vera Juice!, Amanda I don’t really know what to tell you. Kind of like fragrance … hard to explain. Not good, not bad. But you have to remember I do not prescribe to EVERYTHING has to be glamorous in my diet and taste amazing!! That will generally leave people fat & miserable. It would me anyway! Sorry can’t be more help. Have a good day. xx

  • Monica

    Tracy! I will definitely buy a small bottle of Aloe Vera Juice and try it! I am most worried on the flavor… I will try to shug a water or juice afterwards.. if that’s ok! Anyways, I would love to see a blog on Vitamin D and on activated charcoal! Have a lovely day!

  • Monica

    Tracy! Thanks so much for creating this space and all you snaps!! I will def buy this Aloe Vera juice… I am already on amazon haha!! I am most worried on its flavor… I will try to shug it with some water or juice if thats ok! I would like to see a future blog on Vit D and on activated charcoal! Have a lovely day!

  • Monica

    Ohh and a blog on Retinol Night Creams!! Sorry for so many comments… I am starting to get the hang of this! haha

    • tracyhensel

      Thank you Monica! No worries on the comments. I appreciate your feedback, as well as your requests. I’m sure you’ll be able to handle 2 oz. of Aloe Vera Juice … but I guess we’re all different.. I made note of the supplements you would like to see soon, and I thank you so much for telling me. Have a fantastic Wednesday, my lovely friend!! xx

  • Christian

    Id love to hear about your digestive enzyme supplements

  • tracyhensel

    Thank you Christian for the suggestion. That is a great one to do a post on, as with the SAD (Standard American Diet…a.k.a., sad) it is a great supplement to help break down and process the un-processable. Hope you catch my drift! Thanks Again and stay tuned!

  • sarvliving


    Thanks for sharing this information. It is very informative.

    Do you want to know about sarvliving?
    Sarvliving offers aloe vera products such as aloe vera juice, face wash, moisturizer and many more.

    For more information :

    • tracyhensel

      Thank you for sharing! Have a blessed day! xx

  • Sheri

    Soo excited about all these supplement ideas!
    Can young teens take aloevera juice?
    Thanks Tracy!

  • Forever Products

    This is brilliant, thank you for sharing! I use Aloe water to help with digestion. A great producer of Aloe Vera is Forever Living. They produce a wide range of Aloe Health related products, including their famous Forever Aloe Vera Gel which can be used for a variety of uses listed above. It may also be easier to create the Aloe Water.