4 Best Self-Tanning Tips

4 Best Self-Tanning Tips

Where would we be without the beauty godsend of self-tanners? Pale, pasty, and possibly sickly looking…that’s for sure. Self-tanners can be a double edged sword. For those that are skilled in application and pay attention to detail, self-tanners can be great. They can achieve golden goddess status with one sweep of a self-tanning mitt, while other less apt are left with streaks and blotches (or worse case scenario – a telltale orangish hue). The whole point of using a self-tanner is to look like you aren’t wearing any. But with so many variables; lack of time, lack of skill, and lack of patience, the result can be less than stellar.

With this in mind, I decided to write a blog post specifically to self-tanning tips. Soon, we will dive into the self-tanners, themselves. My thoughts are that no product is going to work if you don’t have some of the preliminaries down before hand. So let’s dive right in to ‘4 Self-Tanning Tips’ to achieve that sun-kissed glow …

4 Best Self-Tanning Tips

Tip #1 : Exfoliate, Exfoliate, Exfoliate

So cliche’, I know. But I cannot stress the importance of this! I’m not just talking exfoliate, but exfoliate the living daylights out of you!!! Take a nice, hot shower and exfoliate every part of your body. I like using the Tree Hut Detoxifying Mediterranean Salt Scrub. Not only does it do the trick, but it smells amazing too. On my elbows, wrists, knees, ankles, and feet, I use Lush’s Rub, Rub, Rub. This bar is a bit harsher, but I like it for those particular areas. If I am looking to get a more extreme exfoliation, sometimes I will use this bar over my whole entire body. It too, smells divine! I also recommend shaving on days that you are going to self-tan. You know I have a real love for the men’s razor, the Gilette Mach 3 Sensitive. A woman’s razor just doesn’t compare.

4 Best Self-Tanning Tips

Tip #2 : Moisturize

You want to go heavy-handed and use a good, thick moisturizer on the following areas: knees, elbows, wrists, toes, toenails, heels and ankles. Really concentrating on the areas where your skin is thickest, and has more cracks and lines will help ensure the self-tanner doesn’t settle and leave a streaky finish. Let the moisturizer completely dry before applying your tanning product. I find that foot lotions are very thick in moisture and work wonderful. I love the Heel To Toe Line. Here are some of my favorites: Moisturizing Foot Balm | Foot Softener | Conditioning Leg & Foot Lotion

4 Best Self-Tanning Tips

Tip #3 : Application

I recommend you try the following three methods to find which you prefer: a Tanning Mitt, a Paint Sponge  or my favorite type of gloves, Touch N Tuff. I personally don’t think you can go wrong with any of these methods for your application. It’s a matter of trial and error, and finding the one that suits you best. There are many factors that need to be considered and a lot of it is determined by how skilled and detailed you are. I use all three methods for different types of products. What I don’t recommend is using your bare hand. Apply a small amount of whichever type of product you are using: lotion, gel, or mousse, onto your hand, mitt, or sponge. In small circular motions, apply thoroughly to one area of your body before moving to the next area. Use sparingly around ankles, elbows, wrists, knees, and feet. I have found that if you bend your knees and elbows, it helps. If there is nobody around to do your back, use a Trim Roller. I know, GENIUS!!!

4 Best Self-Tanning Tips

Tip for mitt and sponge use: whether using a mousse or lotion, distribute product onto the palm of the sponge or mitt, then clench your hand so the mitt (sponge) folds, and the product presses into the top half of the mitt. Then, apply it to your body, using only the top part of the mitt/sponge. You’re diluting the tan and making it thinner. This is especially important if you are applying it to your face. This way, you’re lightly buffering the tan onto your face without it being too dark. Only small amounts are going on, and you’re only getting a thin layer. I have learned that if I want more product to ensure a darker color, it’s better to do this method, and then go back with a round two – two thin applications vs. one heavy one. Result- more even tan.

Tip #4 : Developing process

Give the product time to set up slightly. If you can wait 15 minutes before getting dressed, that would be best. Avoid wearing tight fitting clothing over your sunless tan, as this will allow the color to develop evenly. Most of these products take several hours to develop. Also, understand that color develops as the proteins in your body respond to the color-inducing ingredients. This response creates the notorious smell often associated with self-tanning products. The products nowadays smell much better than they did years ago. Many smell pretty good on initial application. But once developed, there is no way around some type of self-tanner smell. Take it from someone who has probably tried over 30 products in the past two years. I feel the best time to apply a self-tanning product that takes hours to develop is at bedtime and then sleep in loose fitting pajamas, and shower in the morning.

Things to Consider

  • Shaving after you apply self tanning products will reduce the life of your glow
  • Do not let your self-tanning products come in contact with carpet, furniture, walls and certain fabrics (specifically wool)
  • Sunless Tans can stain light hair
  • If you break-out easy, rubbing an ice cube over your face closes your pores so they don’t get blocked, and you run less risk of breakouts

Fixing Errors

  • Acetone or nail polish remover
  • Lemon Juice or wedge
  • Curdled milk – I know! This would be used for a bad reaction on the face. Put a little lemon juice into some milk, then place a lemon wedge in. Leave it in for about an hour, allowing the milk to curdle and form a paste. This creates an alpha-hydroxy acid. Leave it on your face for 15 minutes and it will strip the tan and leave you with a glowy complexion.


Hope these tips were helpful. Always remember, technique is key!

Wishing you a streak-free, beautiful sunless glow.

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  • Nancy Shade

    Thank you for this post Tracy! I’ve been following your snaps and waiting anxiously for your reviews on the self-tanners. I am always apprehensive to use self-tanners because of the blotchiness and application looks horrible! I used Jergens last summer, I liked it! How often do you reapply? I am pasty, South Dakota white right now and need help! 🙂 Again, thanks for the tips! Have a great day!

    • tracyhensel

      Glad you enjoyed the post, Nancy. I agree with you, very difficult these self-tanners. There is no perfect one! Yes, the Jergens is great. I will always repurchase that one. As for how often I apply, it all depends. But I will go over that more when the product post comes out. Thanks for your lovely comment and have a nice weekend!

  • Rebecca

    LOVE LOVE LOVE this post, Tracy!!! I just got the mediterranean scrub from Ulta and I completely love it. I’m going to get the rub, rub, rub bar next!!! 🙂 Thanks for all your tips, tricks and inspiration!!!

    • tracyhensel

      Thank you Rebecca! I appreciate your nice comment. Yes, that Mediterranean scrub is awesome and I have to admit I fell in love with the lush, lushm lush bar quite bu accident because I had it as display only and randomly just decided to use it one day. It’s almost too pretty to use when you first see it! Stay tuned for the products post to come out soon. Have a nice weekend!

  • Monica erre

    These days i use the self-tanner.
    Great advice that i will follow 👍

    • tracyhensel

      Glad you enjoyed the post Monica! And super that you are using self-tanner. Save that skin!!! xo

  • Emily

    I am looking forward to your review on self tanning products. I have had great luck with the St. Tropez mousse (I started with the trial size and fell in love) I am ready to try new products and get my glow on as summer quickly approaches.
    Thanks again,

    • tracyhensel

      It should be coming soon, Emily …. hopefully later this week. With hosting Mother’s Day Brunch for 40+ people next weekend, I am not sure if both posts will make it out. But definitely if not this week coming, the following for sure! Have a nice weekend!!

  • Rebecca

    Great tips! Thanks for another great post.

    • tracyhensel

      Thank you Rebecca! Glad you enjoyed! Enjoy your weekend! xx

  • Chantel Labrum

    Of course, I would love to get a spray tan every time! But, that might be a little pricey for most of us. (Unless you happen to be a spray tanner). I do think that with the right product you can get a great self tan, but for me its never quite as good. Never heard the curdled milk idea…wow!

    • tracyhensel

      I agree with you 100%! I’ve only had a couple professional spray tans in my life. I could never afford the upkeep or the time. I am happy with my product bucket. It’s no trouble achieving the look I am going for with these goodies!

  • Karla

    I love how detailed you are, always so helpful, thank you. I cannot self tan because of brown spots and tanners seem to amplify the look of those places on my legs. I’ve seen you speak of using TANtalizer, Airbrush Legs (or something like that) and lotion in addition to self tanning. These type of products are more in line with what I need to camouflage my brown spots. My question is, do you mix all 3 in your hand and then apply or do you moisturize first with lotion and then mix the other two products and apply? I guess I’m wondering if the lotion will interfere with the staying power of the Tantilizer and Airbrusg legs? My daughter’s wedding is in September and my legs could use some help. As always, I love your helpful tips!

    • tracyhensel

      Karla, you are absolutely correct on how I apply the products. You may want to consider following me on Snapchat. I just recently gave a little tutorial on how I apply the products. I am sure that I will be doing it again soon. I feel that for myself, I need to dilute those products down. That is where the lotion comes in. Good Luck. I would get practicing prior to the wedding. Enjoy your weekend.