3 Day Fast | Day 3



Here is a GREAT video by Dr. Jason Fung. It’s short. It has a great analogy in it, however … that will help you to understand how FASTING + EATING work:

How To Maximize Fat Burning

Dr. Mercola’s interview with Dr. Jason Fung on Fasting:

Dr. Mercola and Dr. Fung Discuss Fasting

For those of you concerned about Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, Muscle Loss, or worse yet ….. DYING (lol) from fasting, please with this video by Dr. Jason Fung:

Fasting – Debunking the Myths

Curious why Calorie Restriction, as a form of weight-loss does not work, but FASTING does? Want to see how your metabolism actually goes up with FASTING? As well as why you actually have more energy to exercise? Watch one of my favorites of Dr. Jason Fung’s videos:

Fasting – Solving the Two-Part Component

There are a lot more video + resources out there by Dr. Jason Fung. Search around if you are looking for more information. The ones that I shared are a few that I have used to educate myself on fasting.


The Complete Guide to Fasting  |  The Obesity Code: Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss

Ketone Testing Strips



 Intermittent Fasting

Tabata Training & Plyometrics

Getting A Jumpstart to Healthy Living

5 Food & Fitness Tips You Need to Hear


 Lemon-Ginger Detox with Turmeric & Cayenne
Cleansing Detox Broth
Tracy’s Baked Salmon
Tracy’s Roasted Vegetables



Getting Organized

Healthy Food Haul

If you have not watched Day 1 of my 3 Day Fast … you can watch it here:

You can watch Day 2 of my 3 Day Fast, here:


See you tomorrow for a short little video, sharing with you how the rest of the evening went; after breaking my fast. As well as the following couple of days. Enjoy your evening!

The Lip Cocktail that I am wearing in this video, 

 Lip Pencil: Essence in Satin Mauve at Ulta I lined and filled entire lip in

Matte Lip Cream: NYX in Istanbul at Ulta applied over entire lip

Lipstick: Tom Ford in Spanish Pink at Nordstrom applied over top of the Matte Lip Cream .. the Matte Lip Cream gave staying power to the lips for the whole day

Details to Amy’s Look

Dress: Banana Republic

Ring: Baublebar

Necklace: Bauble bar

This post contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and proceed to check-out, I will be compensated a small commission. Just enough to keep the lights on. I appreciate you using those links and supporting what I do.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor, nor am I registered dietitian. The opinions expressed in this blog post reflect my personal experience and ongoing investigations into functional conditions related to everyday health and nutrition.

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  • Adele Trimble

    Tracy, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this series on your fasting efforts. You give a tremendous amount of information, and it’s obvious you’ve researched this heavily, through several means. I’m so happy I found you recently on Youtube (as a suggested video!). You and I have many similarities (although you’re much more organized!), and after a wine date with a girlfriend last night, where she read me line by line the texts she has been sending ONE of her new guys….well, let’s just say I had to keep refilling my glass. I would rather follow intelligent and purposeful women who want to make a difference, on blogs and Youtube, than lose brain cells trying to make a meaningful relationship with a nice but empty-headed and petty person. I’m not getting any younger! So thanks for all you do for your followers, and I enjoy Amy’s sweet disposition. Keep going, girl!! 🙂

  • Liz

    I just heard a People’s Pharmacy Broadcast featuring Jason Fung. Very interesting and thought provoking. Because I’ve been watching your YouTube videos I already had some background on the topic. Thanks for all you do! You are inspiring.
    The People’s Pharmacy link…