10 Things to consider in 2017


There are some things in 2017 you may need to add to your life to make it a successful year. And some things that you need to subtract. Not everything that I mention will apply to you, personally. In fact, some of the things that I mention, you may have already mastered. Others, maybe not. Some things may not speak to you. But others may. Thats what makes us all different. And that is what makes our goals different. The 10 things that I mention in this blog post are for you to consider and decide for yourself – what may be worth implementing in your life, or again, which things you may want to consider deleting. The goal is always … what do I (personally) need to do to make 2017 a MORE successful year. For myself, growth is always the GOAL!

My goals are always in progression. What does that mean? Let me explain how my ‘thinking’ goes – In 2017, I will ‘attempt’ to make changes to ensure that I am moving forward and becoming more successful than I was in 2016. This includes ALL areas! My areas may differ from yours, and that is okay. If you want to know what areas I include in my goals, let me know in the comment section below. I have little to hide. In 2018, I ‘hopefully’ will have progressed into a more confident and successful person than I was in 2017. So on, and so forth. In my mind, we should always be thinking in ‘long- term’ goals. But to be successful at long-term goals, you have to be willing to implement short-termed HABITS that you do every day. In reality, these are not actually things that you do, but rather something you are.

1. Get Rid Of The Unhealthy Lifestyle

Unhealthy is outdated! You will NEVER achieve the success that you are capable of achieving by living an unhealthy lifestyle. Success starts here!!! Healthy Diet & Physical Activity – that is where it’s at … start slow, but start!

2. Not Everyone Is Going To Like You

It’s okay! You will be just fine. You don’t like everyone, either. Let’s face it, not everyone is likable. Quit trying, and move on.

3. Quit Making Excuses

Excuses get you nowhere. Successful people take responsibility for their life. No matter their starting point, weaknesses, or past failures, successful people hold themselves accountable. They move forward, and take no prisoners with them. Get over the pitty-party mentality.

4. Quit Trying To Be Perfect At Everything

I hate to break it to you, but you are not perfect! And you certainly are not perfect at doing EVERYTHING! Your job is not perfect, your marriage, your kids, etc. get off the ego trip. ‘Per-fect’ what you are already good at. It’s counterproductive, it wastes time and energy trying to be perfect at everything. Successful people focus on cultivating the area that they excel in. That is why they excel. Successful people are okay with the fact that there are areas not worth their time or energy.

5. Give up on Toxic People

Easier said than done, I know. I think we all know that we can’t give up on EVERYONE who is toxic. Some of these people we love dearly and they will be in our lives forever. This does not mean however, that those toxic people need to take up any of our precious time. Know when to walk away. As for the ones that you don’t have to keep around …. get rid of them and don’t look back. They will only hold you back form your potential, and in reality … they are no real loss.

Also, remember that other people’s negativity and bad moods are generally nothing to do with you. Don’t take it personally. Don’t let it affect your day, or attitude. Move on from it, and THEM!!!

6. Worrying Is A Waste Of Time

Most of the things that you worry about, never actually happen. So quit worrying about it. Waste of time and energy!!!

Worrying about what other people think all the time, is also a waste. People are self-centered and very self-CONSUMED! They really don’t care about anything to do with you, unless they are comparing themselves .. or jealous. This is counter-productive and not your problem. If you are worrying about what other people think about what you are doing, what you are saying, or what you are wearing … you are certainly NEVER going to get to where you are capable of being! People that are confident and successful couldn’t care less what other people think. They don’t have time to worry about this because they are too busy building their success.

7. It Is Not Others People’s Job To Love You

If you are waiting around to be loved by others, plan on having a very stagnant life. It’s important that people be respectful and nice. But, when it comes to love, the most important thing is to love yourself. Once you execute this, you will not have unrealistic expectations of others. Remember, everyone has flaws and poor habits and traits. You are no different than the next. Continue to always work on those areas with yourself that need improvement. But never neglect to recognize all your AWESOME traits. Yep, you have plenty!! You are an awesome goddess! Learn to love the good and be okay with the bad.

8. There Is No Magic Bullet

Somebody had to tell ya, may as well be me. Overnight success is a myth. To be successful requires daily improvement. Small steps daily, build over time. Most growth takes place organically. If something sounds too good to be true, it is.

9. Quit Saying Yes To Everything

In order to do this, you have to be willing to implement pretty much every other step mentioned. You can’t do it all. And you are no less a person because of that. Always put yourself at the front of the day. Successful people know that to accomplish their goals, they have to say, “No” to certain tasks, activities and demands from friends, family and colleques. Certainly we should be of service, and giving your time to the right areas and people is important. But, this does not mean ALWAYS … learn to say “NO”! It’s the best gift you can give yourself.

10. Being Busy Does Not Mean Being Productive

Busyness isn’t a virtue, nor is it something to respect. Lives and schedules are crazy, but very few of us have legitimate need to be busy ALL the time. Busy does not mean that you are deserving of some award or medal. Some of the busiest people are the biggest time wasters. If this is you, it may be time to assess: are you living within your means, prioritizing properly, and knowing when to say, “No”? Being busy is a short-termed sensation, but is never sustainable for the long run. Successful people know when to be busy and know when to take a step back. They feel no less worth by taking a well deserved breather. You also generally will not see successful people with their nose in tech gadgets.

Maybe the web browsing, social media surfing and television watching has mislead you into believing that you are busy. This is the disease of today’s society. Obsession in these areas is NOT being busy, and it is the furthest thing from being productive. Successful People have executed how to say “No” in this area.

Happy New Year, Everyone! As always, please leave your comments and suggestions below. Let’s make this a SUCCESSFUL 2017! It starts with you!

The Meal Patterning Chart that many of you have requested, can be purchased, here.

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  • Naomi

    Tracy, happy 2017!! Thank you for being willing to tell us all the hard truths but offer us the ideas we can all use to be successful!! 😘

    • tracyhensel

      Thank you Naomi! Happy 2017 to you, as well.

  • Monica erre

    Happy New Year Tracy! Thank you for beautiful words.N 5 It is very true!

    • tracyhensel

      Thank you Monica! Happy New Year to you, as well. Yes, #5, tough one … but toxic people don’t deserve our precious and productive time! xx

  • Rebecca

    Fantastic post!!! This list will definitely help me in my goal setting for 2017!!!! So thankful for your friendship!!! Happy New Year!! ❤️

    • tracyhensel

      Thank you Rebecca! Glad you enjoyed the post! you are always on the ball, my friend! And I LOVE it!!! I am so very thankful for your friendship! Cannot wait to finally meet you + the family in person .. in a few weeks! Happy New Year to you, Paris & Sweet Lucy!!! xx

  • Leigh

    Great tips, Tracy! Happy 2017 to you and your family!

    • tracyhensel

      Thank you Leigh! Glad you enjoyed! Happy 2017 to you and your family, as well!!! xx

  • Sandy Belabin

    Amen Tracy! Are we twins? Happy Happy New Year! Looking forward to more of your inspiration in 2017!

    • tracyhensel

      I love it, Sandy!!! Glad you enjoyed the post! I look forward to providing more inspiration in 2017! Happy New Year to you, as well … my twin!! xx

  • Selma

    These are great, especially the getting rid of toxic people. You kind of contradict that in your video about the holidays. Just because someone is “related” doesn’t mean anything if they are going to be toxic and a strain, especially if there are children involved. .

    • tracyhensel

      Thank you Selma! Glad you enjoyed,. Yes, number 5 is a good one. I have to disagree on the contradicting myself. But everyone will take things differently. I still believe that WE are in CONTROL of ourselves and should always handle ourselves with class. In other words … ‘get over’ the pettiness. There is a difference. Therefore I stand by what I say, both here and there. Some people are just complete Drama Queens! Chance are … THEY are the TOXIC PEOPLE … even though they think that everyone else is. I also stand by the fact that not ALL Toxic People can be eliminated from our lives. But that is also a personal decision. On the other hand, you can always walk away and come back once the toxicity subsides.